出版时间:2001-8 出版社:人民卫生出版社 作者:W.Ling 页数:1387 字数:2982000
ContributorsPrefacePART Ⅰ OBSTETRICS 1 Maternal Physiology 2 Preconceptional and Prenatal Care 3 Teratology 4 Prenatal Diagnosis 5 Inections in Pregnancy 6 Medical Complications of Pregnancy 7 Hypertensive Disorders during Pregnancy 8 Emergencies during Pregnancy:Trauma 9 Multiple Gestation 10 Isoimmunization 11 Evaluation and Treatment 12 Pregnancy Termination 13 Preterm Delivery 14 Antepartum Hemorrhage 15 Postdate Pregnancy 16 Abnormal Presentation 17 Labor and Delivery:Normal and Abnormal 18 Obstetric Analgesia and Anesthesia 19 Operative Vaginal Delivery 20 Cesarean Delivery and Cesarean Hysterectomy ……PART Ⅱ GYNECOLOGY/WOMENS HEALTHIndex