出版时间:2001-8 出版社:人民卫生出版社 作者:,W.B.SAUNDERS COMPANY,, 编 页数:2088 字数:9354000
The aim of the author of this work has been to produce, in a volume of convenient size, an up-to-date Medical Dictionart, sufficiently full for the various requirements of all.... The book doesnot claim to be an encyclopedia; it is a dictionary, a concise and convenient word-book, aiming to furnish full defintions of the terms of medicine and kindred branches.... The author has sought a middle course between the large, unwieldy lexicon and the abridged students dictionary, avoiding the disadvantages of each.
PrefaceConsultantsIndex to TablesIndex to PlatesNotes on the Use of this Dictionary Main Entries and Subentries Syllabication Indication of Pronunciation Etymology Officaial Publications Placement of Definitions and Corss References Form of Eponyms Symbols and Abbreviations Abbreviations Used in This DictionaryFundamentals of Medical Etymology Alphabet and Prounuciation Transliteration Word Formation Analytical Word ListVocabularyColor InsertAppendices 1.Selected Abbreviations Used in Medicine 2.Anatomy:Arteries 3.Anatomy:Bones,Listed by Regions of the Body 4.Anatomy:Bones 5.Anatomy:Muscles 6.Anatomy:Nerve 7.Anatomy:Veins 8.Phobias 9.Celsius and Fahrenheit Temperature Equivalents 10.Multiples and Submultiples of the Metric System 11.Tables of Weights and Measures 12.Conversion Tables 13.Reference Intervals for the Interpretaion of Laboratory TestsCredits