
出版时间:2001-9  出版社:人民卫生出版社  作者:梁遇清 编  页数:354  字数:528000  


本教材起点与初中英语衔接,分基础英语与专门用途(医学)英语两个教学阶段,由听说(44个会话)、阅读(42个课文+42个阅读课文)、写作(6种常用应用文)三大教学板块组成,共设18个教学单元,并附有《常用医学缩写词》、《医院部分科室和医务人员名称》、《常用标识用语》和《药品说明书》认读四个附录,按照基本要求和较高要求两个教学层次编排,供卫生职业教育三年制、四年制及五年一贯制(高职)的英语教学使用。    本教材分上、中、下三册,其中上册和中册为基础英语阶段(220-260)学时,下册为专门用途(医学)英语阶段(不少于60学时)。教师可以根据不同专业、不同学制的要求,灵活组织教学。    本书是中册。


Unit 7 Nursing Practices Dialogue 19 The first day of nursing pracitce Dialogue 20 Registering for treatment Dialogue 21 Admitted to the hospital Dialogue 22 Receiving the new patient Dialogue 23 In the nurses'office Dialogue 24 Checking T.P.R. Dialogue 25 Before injecting penicillin Dialogue 26 Injection and medication Dialogue 27 Discharging from the hospitalUnit 8 Medicine and Health Lesson 13 Diet to prevent cancer Lesson 14 Genetic engineering Lesson 15 Test-tube babies Lesson 16 Computers in health care Lesson 17 Intelligence Lesson 18 The importance of anatomy and physiology Lesson 19 Memory Lesson 20 Do you have hepatitis C? Lesson 21 AIDS:The nation's Worst public-health problemUnit 9 Writing-3 Nursing NotesUnit 10 Clinical Nursing Dialogue 28 Morning care Dialogue 29 In the emergency room Dialogue 30 In the medical ward Dialogue 31 Care of the patient with a fatal illness Dialogue 32 Nursing before operation Dialogue 33 In the obstetrics ward Dialogue 34 In the pediatric ward Dialogue 35 In the psychiatric ward Dialogue 36 First aidUnit 11 Treatment and NursingUnit 12 Writing-4 AbstractListening PracticeTranslating ExerccisesNotes to the TextsGrammarNew Words and Expressions in Each UnitVocabularyProper Names



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