
出版时间:2006-5  出版社:人民卫生出版社  作者:梁遇清 编  页数:309  字数:458000  




Welcome to English for Medical Students!Unit1 Everyday English  Dialogue 1 Introduction  Dialogue 2 In the nursing school  Dialogue 3 A family photo album  Dialogue 4 Requests and desire  Dialogue 5 Apology for being late  Dialogue 6 Asking the way  Dialogue 7 Taking a taxi  Dialogue 8 Shopping  Dialogue 9 On the telephoneUnit2 Health service and Nursing  Lesson 1 Doctors and nurses  Lesson 2 A review of the development of medicine  Lesson 3 A general hospital  Lesson 4 Computer diagnosis  Lesson 5 How to become a nurse in America  Lesson 6 Hygienic careUnit3 Writing-1 A Letter a DoctorUnit4 The School Life  Dialogue 10 Morning exercises  Dialogue 11 Inan English class  Dialogue 12 At the library  Dialogue 13 Canteen and food  Dialogue 14 Weather and climate  Dialogue 15 Sports  Dialogue 16 Recreational actvities  Dialogue 17 Oral examination  Dialogue 18 Student health serviceUnit5 Your Body and HealthUnit6 Writing-2 A Page from Lily's DiaryPronunciation and Spelling (Review)Listeing PracticeTranslating ExercisesNotes to the TextsGrammarNew Words and Expressions in EAch UnitVocabularyProper Names



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