
出版时间:2005-8  出版社:人民卫生出版社  作者:梁遇清  页数:167  字数:250000  


本教材共分上、中、下三册。    本册书为这套书最后3个教学单元。内容有护士培训、现代护理及履历写作。语法部分讲述了短语动词、省略句和倒装结构。书后附有常用医学缩写词等。


Unit 13 Nurese Training  Dialogue 37 Observation of the patient  Dialogue 38 Health advice for the aged  Dialogue 39 The central sterile supply department  Dialogue 40 In the intesive care unit  Dialogue 41 In the cooronary care unit  Dialogue 42 Alesson on oxygen delivery  Dialogue 43 Venous puncture and injection  Dialogue 44 Talking about computerUnit 14 Modern Nursing  Lesson 29 The emergence of modern nursing  Lesson 30 Woe and triumph as a nurse  Lesson 31 Nursing staff  Lesson 32 The nurse's personal hygiene  Lesson 33 Hospital routines for hygiene  Lesson 34 Nursing services in the futureUnit 15 Writing-5  Curriculum vitae  Listening Practice  Translating Exercises  Notes to the Texts  Grammar  29.短语动词  30.复习  31.复习  32.省略句  33.复习  34.倒装  New Words and Expessions in Each Unit  Common Medical Abbreviations  Hospital Department Terms and Names of Medical Workers   Vocabulary  Proper Names 四年制中等护理专业英语教学大纲



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