出版时间:2000-1 出版社:Oversea Publishing House 作者:Rachael F. Heller 著 页数:164
With their many New York Times bestsellers, the Carbohydrate Addict's experts, Drsl Rachael and Richard HeHer, changed the way we think about dieting--with smart, sensible advice that ended the "yo-yo" cycle of gaining/losing weight. Now they have created the easiest, fastest, mast user-friendly pocket diet guides, with all the information you need to know about your favorite foods, brands, and restaurants.
IntroductionBeveragesBread, Crackers, and FloursCerealsCombined and Frozen FoodsDairyDining OutFast FoodFast FoodFruitsMeats, ProcessedMedicationsMiscellaneous FoodsNuts, Beans, and SeedsOils and FatsPasta, Whole Grains, Rice, and NoodlesPoultrySalad Bar Choices and Salad DressingsSeafoodSnack Foods and ChipsSoupSweetsVegetablesVegetarian Choices