
出版时间:2011-10  出版社:人民邮电出版社  作者:王祥林,陈静姣 主编  页数:204  


本书共10个单元,内容主要包括认识和使用计算机、计算机系统构成、计算机硬件、计算机操作系统、多媒体技术、计算机网络、计算机病毒、计算机  本书共10个单元,内容主要包括认识和使用计算机、计算机系统构成、计算机硬件、计算机操作系统、多媒体技术、计算机网络、计算机病毒、计算机软件和计算机程序设计等。在每课后均设有习题,学生通过练习能够巩固本章所学知识。在每单元末还设有提高训练,主要介绍基本语法知识及与计算机技术读写相关的知识。


unit 1 recognize computer 
 text 1 guess what it is 
 text 2 what does a computer look like? 
 text 3 do you know them? 
 text 4 generations of electronic computer 
unit 2 use computer 
 text 1 buy a notebook 
 text 2 introduction of a window 26
 text 3 learning computer knowledge all by yourself 29
 text 4 kinds of computers 
unit 3 computer system 
 text 1 computer organization 
 text 2 system bus 
 text 3 instruction cycle 
 text 4 design goals of computer architecture 
unit 4 computer hardware 
 text 1 cpu 
 text 2 motherboard 
 text 3 storage 
 text 4 printers 
unit 5 operating system 
 text 1 what is an operating system 
 text 2 types of operating systems 
 text 3 setting up windows 
 text 4 windows xp 9
unit 6 computer virus 
 text 1 computer virus 
 text 2 virus behavior 
 text 3 how to protect your data 
 text 4 number of viruses 
unit 7 multimedia 
 text 1 what is multimedia? 
 text 2 what does the multimedia actually mean? 
 text 3 uses for multimedia 
 text 4 multimedia technology 135
unit 8 computer networking 143
 text 1 welcome to the web 143
 text 2 internet 146
 text 3 hackers are enemy number one on the internet 
 text 4 local area network 
unit 9 computer software 
 text 1 what is the computer software? 
 text 2 relationship to hardware and data 
 text 3 categories of computer software 
 text 4 copyright infringement of software 
unit 10 programming languages 
 text 1 computer languages 
 text 2 object-oriented programming 
 text 3 assembly language 
 text 4 high-level language



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  •   不是自己想要的书,和想象中的有些差距
  •   这个本书应该是一本在计算机英语方面较为基础的一本书,认真学习牢牢掌握达到中级水平,应该不成问题。

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