
出版时间:2010-6  出版社:人民邮电出版社  作者:(美)桑德斯,科尼特 著,王中华 译注  页数:871  译者:王中华 注释  


  The financial services industry continues to undergo dramatic changes. Not onlyhave the boundaries between traditional industry sectors, such as commercial banking and investment banking, broken down but competition is becoming in-creasingly global in nature. Many forces are contributing to this breakdown in in-terindustry and intercountry barriers, including financial innovation, technology,taxation, and regulation. It is in this context that this book is written. Although thetraditional nature of each sectors product activity is analyzed, a greater emphasisis placed on new areas of activities such as asset securitization, off-balance-sheetbanking, and international banking.  When the first edition of this text was released in 1994, it was the first to analyzemodern financial institutions management from a risk perspective. Thus, the title,Financial Institutions Management: A Modern Perspective. At that time, traditionaltexts presented an overview of the industry sector by sector, concentrating on bal-ance sheet presentations and overlooking management decision making and riskmanagement. Over the last decade other texts have followed this change, suchthat a risk management approach to analyzing modern financial institutions isnow well accepted. Thus, the title: Financial Institutions Management: A Risk Man-agement Approach.  The sixth edition of this text takes the same innovative approach taken in thefirst five editions and focuses on managing return and risk in modern financialinstitutions (FIs). Financial Institutions Managements central theme is that the risksfaced by FI managers and the methods and markets through which these risks aremanaged are similar whether an institution is chartered as a commercial bank, asavings bank, an investment bank, or an insurance company.  As in any stockholder-owned corporation, the goal of FI managers should al-ways be to maximize the value of the financial intermediary. However, pursuit ofvalue maximization does not mean that risk management can be ignored.  Indeed, modern FIs are in the risk-management business. As we discuss in thisbook, in a world of perfect and frictionless capital markets, FIs would not existand individuals would manage their own financial assets and portfolios. But sincereal-world financial markets are not perfect, FIs provide the positive function ofbearing and managing risk on behalf of their customers through the pooling ofrisks and the sale of their services as risk specialists.


  本书是由金融学国际权威安东尼·桑得斯教授和马西娅-科尼特教授共同编著的《金融机构管理:一种风险管理方法》第6版双语教学版。《金融机构管理(双语教学版)》共3编27章,对各种类型的现代金融机构(包括商业银行、储蓄银行、信用社、保险公司、证券公司和投资银行、共同基金以及金融公司等)的业务以及收益和风险进行了全面的分析和深入的探讨。后两编分别对风险的衡量与管理进行了详细的介绍。《金融机构管理(双语教学版)》后半部分系统地介绍了各种新的金融市场和工具,强调如何利用期货和远期交易、期权、利率上限期权、利率下限期权和领式期权、互换、贷款出售以及证券化等创新的金融工具,对利率风险、信用风险和外汇风险这三种重要的风险进行更为有效的管理。  本书适合于高等院校金融学专业、财经类专业本科高年级学生、研究生及教师,MPA、MBA、EMBA学员及教师,理论研究者,政府工作人员,企事业管理者及一般读者学习和研究之用。


他也曾经是国际货币基金组织的访问学者。他是《银行与金融杂志》和《金融市场、工具与机构杂志》的主编,同时还担任其他8种刊物的副主编——其中包括《金融管理》和《货币、信贷与银行杂志》。他的研究成果发表在所有重要的货币、银行与金融杂志上,以及一些著作中。此外,他还撰写和与他人合著过几本专业著作,最新的一本书名为《信用风险管理——新的风险价值和其他的方法》(第2版),纽约John Wiley&Sons出版公司2002年出版。
马西娅·米伦·科尼特,南伊利诺斯(卡邦戴尔)大学的雷恩(Rehn)商科教授。她从伊利诺斯州的诺克斯(Knox)学院(设在盖尔斯堡)获得经济学学士学位,并且从印第安纳大学布卢明顿(Bloomington)分校获得了MBA和金融学博士学位。科尼特博士撰写并发表了数篇与银行业绩、银行监管和公司金融相关的学术论文。她的论文发表在如下学术刊物上:《金融杂志》、《货币、信贷和银行杂志》、《金融经济学杂志》、《金融管理》、《银行和金融杂志》。她曾担任《金融管理》的副主编。如今,她是《银行和金融杂志》、《金融服务研究杂志》、《FMA在线》、《跨国金融杂志》和《金融经济学评论》等刊物的副主编。科尼特博士现为南伊利诺斯大学信用合作社董事会、执行委员会以及财务委员会的成员。她曾执教于科罗拉多大学、波士顿学院和南卫理公会大学(Southern Methodist University)。目前,她是美国财务管理协会、美国金融协会和西部金融协会的会员。


第一编 导论 第1章 金融中介机构的特殊性 第2章 金融服务业:存款机构 第3章 金融服务业:保险公司 第4章 金融服务业:证券公司和投资银行 第5章 金融服务业:共同基金和对冲基金 第6章 金融服务业:金融公司 第7章 金融中介机构的风险第二编 风险衡量 第8章 利率风险Ⅰ 第9章 利率风险Ⅱ 第10章 市场风险 第11章 信用风险:单项贷款风险 第12章 信用风险:贷款组合与集中风险 第13章 表外风险 第14章 外汇风险 第15章 主权风险 第16章 技术和其他营运风险 第17章 流动性风险第三编 风险管理 第18章 负债和流动性管理 第19章 存款保险和其他负债担保 第20章 资本充足率 第21章 业务分散化 第22章 地域扩张 第23章 期货和远期交易 第24章 期权、利率上限期权、利率下限期权和领式期权 第25章 互换交易 第26章 贷款出售 第27章 证券化索引


  The improvement in FIs computer and telecommunications networks alsoenhances the power of FIs visa-vis regulators, effectively aiding regulatoryavoidance. Thus, as implied earlier, regulation not only can affect the profitability of technological innovations, but also can spur or hinder the rate and types ofinnovation.38 For example, many states in the United States impose usury ceilingson FIs. Usury ceilings place caps and controls on the fees and interest rates thatmany FIs can charge on credit cards, consumer loans, and residential mortgages.Because credit card operations are heavily communications based and do notneed to be located directly in an FIs market, the two states that now dominate thecredit card market are South Dakota and Delaware. These two states are amongthe most liberal regarding credit card fee and interest rate usury regulations. Forexample, Citigroup, the U.S. financial services firm with the largest credit cardfranchise, has located its credit card operations in South Dakota. As a result ofregulation in the United States, banking in the relatively unregulated CaymanIslands has experienced considerable growth. The 500 or more FIs located theredo most of their business via public and private telecommunications networks.A major reason for the growth in Cayman Islands banking was the desire oflarge U.S. banks to avoid or reduce the cost of the Federal Reserves non-inter-est-bearing reserve requirements. Many attribute its current popularity to drug-or crime-related secret money transactions. The use of telecommunicationsnetworks and technological improvements has changed, perhaps irreversibly, thebalance of power between large multinational FIs and governments——both localand national——in favor of the former. Such a shift in power may create incentivesfor countries to lower their regulations to attract entrants; that is, the shift mayincrease the incentives for competitive deregulation. This trend may be poten-tially destabilizing to the market in financial services, with the weakest regulatorsattracting the most entrants.


  “本书是一部为本科高年级的学生和MBA学员而编写的教科书。纵观全书,可以看到这样几个显著的特点:(1)整体性强,体系完整。既有对所有金融机构业务状况的介绍,也有对每种风险的细致分析,并且对各种风险的防范手段进行了重点探讨。(2)分析透彻。作者对所涉及到的每项内容都进行了深入的分析和探讨。(3)紧密联系实际。许多素材都来自于现实生活以及金融行业新近发生的事件;正文中穿插的一些专栏内容,向学生展示了相关知识在目前的现实世界中的应用。(4)学习资源丰富。正文中有许多的例题,每章后面还有大量的习题,其中包括一些与主要金融机构相关的网络互动练习。  作为本书作者之一的桑德斯教授是纽约大学Stern商学院金融系的主任。他长期从事金融机构和国际银行业务方面研究,是一些重要金融期刊的编委,在全球一些知名大学担任客座教授,并且在一些重要的金融机构担任学术顾问。桑德斯教授在金融学领域享有很高的学术地位。据调查,从1953年到2002年,在全球最有影响力的16本金融期刊上,他发表的论文数量位居首位。作者深厚的学术背景,使得这本书自1994年首次出版以来深受读者的欢迎。我们希望本书的翻译能够为学习金融专业知识的大学生和研究生,为有志于强化和提高自身理论水平的金融行业从业者,提供一个全新的学习视角。”  ——王中华 天津商业大学经济学院金融学教授


  《金融机构管理(双语教学版)》是美国金融机构与风险管理领域的领导者教科书。在亚马逊网上被读者赞誉为“The bestbook on financial institutions Period”“Excellent first risk management”.“one of the best booksof market and financial risk 。在当今这场突如其来的全球性金融危机面前,回想桑德斯和科尼特20余年来,在每一次修订再版时,始终坚持“风险管理”的视角不动摇,其睿智和远见令人感佩。




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