
出版时间:2010-1  出版社:人民邮电  作者:(英)埃里克·格伦迪宁//罗恩·霍华德  页数:175  




 1 Health and illness
 2 Parts of the body 1
 3 Parts of the body 2
 4 Functions of the body
 5 Medical practitioners 1
 6 Medical practitioners 2
 7 Nurses
 8 Allied health professionals
 9 Hospitals
 10 Primary care
 11 Medical education 1
 12 Medical education 2
 13 The overseas doctor
 14 Symptoms and signs
 15 Blood
 16 Bones
 17 Childhood
 18 The endocrine system
 19 The eye
 20 The gastrointestinal system
 21 Gynaecology
 22 The heart and circulation 1
 23 The heart and circulation 2
 24 Infections
 25 Mental illness
 26 The nervous system 1
 27 The nervous system 2
 28 Oncology
 29 Pregnancy and childbirth
 30 The respiratory system
 31 The skin 1
 32 The skin 2
 33 The urinary system
 34 Basic investigations
 35 Laboratory tests
 36 Endoscopy
 37 X-ray and CT
 38 MRI and ultrasound
 39 ECG
 40 Medical treatment
 41 Surgical treatment
 42 Therapies
 43 Screening and immunization
 44 Epidemiology
 45 Medical ethics
Appendix I
Appendix II
Appendix III
Appendix IV
Appendix V
Appendix VI
Answer key


  Hospital staff  The people who work in any type of workplace, including hospitals, are called the staff.  The medical staff in a British hospital belong to one of four main groups:  A pre-registration house officer (PRHO), or house officer, is a newly graduated doctor i the first year of postgraduate training. After a yeaz; he or she becomes a registered medi practitioner. In the current system of training, the Foundation Programme, the name fol these junior doctors is Foundation Year I doctor (FY1). (See Unit 12)  A senior house officer (SHO) is in the second year of postgraduate training. The title is now Foundation Year 2 doctor (FY2), but the old terms senior house officer and SHO are still used.  A specialist registrar (SpR) is a doctor who has completed the Foundation Programme, and is training in one of the medical specialties. There are also some non-training registrdoctors who have completed their training but do not wish to specialize yet.  A consultant is a fully qualified specialist. There may also be some associate specialistssenior doctors who do not wish to become consultants. In addition, there is at least o medical (or clinical) director, who is responsible for all of the medical staff.  Medical teams  Consultant physicians and surgeons are responsible for a specific number of patients in the hospital. Each consultant has a team of junior doctors to help care for those patients. In many hospitals, there are multidisciplinary teams which consist not only of doctors but also of physiotherapists and other allied health professionals (see Unit 8). When patients enter - or are admitted to hospital, they are usually seen first by one of the junior doctors on the ward where they will receive treatment and care. The junior doctor clerks them takes their medical history (see Units 47-49) and examines them. Some time later, the registrar also sees the patients, and may order investigations or tests, for example X-rays or an ECG, make a provisional diagnosis, and begin treatment. The consultant usually sees the new admissions - people who have recently been admitted to the ward for the first time on one of the regular ward rounds, when the management of the patients is discussed with the registrar. Consultants also decide when a patient is ready to be discharged (sent home). On the ward round, the consultant is accompanied by the team and a nurse, and they visit all the patients in the consultants care. Shifts  Junior doctors now normally work in shifts, which means they normally work for eight hours every day, for example 7 am to 3 pm, and are then free until 7 am the next day. After a week they change to a different shift, for example 3 pm to 11 pm or 11 pm to 7 am. The alternative system is to work from 9 am to 5 pm every day and to take turns to be on call available to return to the hospital if necessary - from 5 pm to 9 am the next day. Days on call are set out in a rota, or list of names and times. Doctors on call carry a radio pager, or bleeper, a device which makes a noise when someone is trying to contact them.


  professional English in Use Medicine contains 60 units covering a wide variety of medical vocabulary. Topics include diseases and symptoms, investigations, treatment, examining, and prevention. The book also introduces general medical vocabulary related to parts and tuncions of the body, medical and para medical personnel, education and training, research, and presentations. Primarily designed as a self study reference and practice book, it can also be used for classroom work and one [o one lessons and is suitable for intermediate and upper intermediate studuents  Protessional English in Use Medicine has been carefully researched using the Institute for Applied Language Studies medical corpus, as well as authentic texts, document sand cases 60 easy-to-use units: vocabulary items are presented and explained in context on left-hand pages with a range of practice exercises on right-hand pages. A focus on functional language, such as taking a history and examining, gives learners the confidence and ability to function in English in a medical environment."Over to you sections allow learners to apply the vocabulary they have learned in the unit to their own working lives.Includes a comprehensive, learner-friendly answer key and index.  Protessional English in Use Medicine is a must for medical practitioners who need to use English at work or for study, either in their own country or abroad.




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  •   剑桥医学英语实用
  •   首先书很不错,难得找到零基础的医学入门书籍,刚开始坚持学习一个单元都很困难,后来就好多了,最重要的是在我研究生复试时的专业英语上,它还帮了不少。。。好书,推荐,,,,不过有点不好的是,没有MP3,好多医学专业单词只认识,不会读啊....
  •   学习医学专业英语非看不可的书哦!要是配盘更好了!
  •   本书对于刚开始学习医学英语来说很有帮助,尤其医生与病人的交流.
  •   适合提高医学英语,版块设计很好
  •   这本书对于学医学英语的人来说是相当好的入门书籍,书本讲的很仔细,内容详实
  •   看了几个单元次啊过来评价。这本书是我经过仔细比较后才买的。首先,当当网上显示是第二天送达,结果是第三天才到,不过总体速度还是蛮快的;其次书是正版的,质量很好,让人有看的欲望;最后,再说下这本书,虽然有六十个单元,但是每个单元的量不多,学习起来不会很吃力,也没有压迫感,书编的很专业,又有些生活化,很适合医学生看。
  •   好好学习英语,还能学习医学。
  •   学习医学英语的好书。大力推荐。
  •   看看 医学英语 这是讲用英语怎样交流的 不是医学专业英语 术不错。
  •   很好的书,比大学的医学英语课本实用,建议医学院校可以选用
  •   感觉要有一定的医学英语的底子再看比较更容易上手些,类似课本的性质,但愿自己能坚持下来。
  •   很好的医学英语教材,对我研究生复试很有帮助
  •   不错的医学英语,如果有中英对照就更好了
  •   总体来说,这本书写的不错,可以掌握基本的医学英语,而且不算枯燥,看死党买了一本,我也入手了一本。
  •   喜欢,感觉还不算太难,是一本非常好的医学英语入门教材。
  •   适合医学英语的入门,板块分的很细,很基础的内容
  •   看起来不错,医学英语考完试就冷落了
  •   对于初学医学英语者很适用
  •   医学英语,适合有一定基础的人
  •   书编的很好,全英文,需要一定的基础。其实不难懂,就是医学词汇实在枯燥,需要毅力。
  •   适合医学口语学习,内容深入浅出。
  •   医学应用,很多基本的医学单词在里面,很值得学习。
  •   有习题,很好,对医学很有帮助。
  •   挺不错的,适合医学生使用,希望对考研复试有帮助。
  •   货真价实的医学英文,比国内的教材正宗和地道,很值得拥有!
  •   实用性超级强,非常适合医学生,自学宝典
  •   由易入难吧。觉得挺不错的。纸张啊各方面也很好,就是有点小贵。不过话说回来,剑桥的书一向很贵。。
  •   更像科普。英国的医学体系
  •   挺不错,内容很切近医学生
  •   很好的一本书,值得买下来学习,对英语有帮助。
  •   此书内容还不错,但全英文的,没有一定基础是不能用。我基础差,想买本简单提高英语的,此书不适合我,故申请退货,当当网服务很好,给我退货了,
  •   非常实用的英语学习书籍~专业性很强,非常喜欢!
  •   对于考研复试英语不推荐这本书,因为专业词汇太少,也没有什么专业文章,多数就是题.对于考研复试英语还不如一些高等院校自己编写的内部英语教材.这本书很适合大一的学生.
  •   内容很丰富,适合初学者。有详细的章节,可以按计划来学习。配上一本英语单词来学习就很有感觉
  •   很好,特别实用。比中专的护理英语都容易的多,实用的多。学英语不在知道多么生僻的词汇,实用才是最重要的。非常好。
  •   专业英语教程,内容广泛
  •   有意思,学英语变得有趣了,印刷和排版也很好!
  •   刚拿到书,感觉纸张印刷都挺不错,内容的编排跟课本一样,是国外人编的,正文全是英文,适合有一定基础的人看。174页的书,感觉微贵。
  •   主要是英式英语,编排精良,插图精美。
  •   不是太复杂,对学习专业词汇有一定的帮助
  •   内容根据系统疾病分类,合理简单,便于学习专业词汇及句式。
  •   刚开始看了几页,比较适用
  •   很好,全英文,还没有看完呢,一般水平就可以看,不是很难。对于我来讲,现在应该是不到四级水平吧
  •   对于出学习人员很有帮助。
  •   还算不错,主要是针对医患沟通的,不过就没有很多涉及专业词汇了
  •   整体不错~纸张很给力!整本书不厚,分六十个章节,每个章节两面纸,左边是讲解,右边是练习!全英文的,内容很基础很实用!里面还有不少彩色配图~赞
  •   有益于初步学习,打好基础
  •   看着书 就有一种想好好学习的冲动
  •   书的质量不错,马上学习
  •   全英文的,有彩图,是课本类型的。
  •   书的质量不错,但是表面看来好像放过很长的时间的样子。
  •   喜欢~好好学习,天天向上!
  •   内容挺丰富的,要好好学习
  •   就是看的时间不多,要抓紧时间学习啊
  •   书不错,比较专业,不是很好懂。
  •   全英文的,知识可以,深浅适当,缺少点医生查房内容,多点就更完美啦!!!
  •   适合自学,内容充实丰富,涵盖全面
  •   很好,设计好,思路好
  •   这本书很实用,增长知识,同事争相阅读,是一本非常好的参考书,找了半天终于在当当网找到了@@@物美价廉,值得购买!!!!!!!!!
  •   适合想要练习口语的人,
  •   很实用 希望对自己有帮助啦啦
  •   还没来得及仔细读 入手觉得很值 不错 虽然内容比较简练 但应该会有帮助
  •   全英文的,有点难度
  •   全英文 看着有点累 不断积累 很喜欢
  •   全英文,慢慢看,希望有收获。。。
  •   此书是正品,不错。
  •   上一本丢了 该死的小偷 书很好 适合出国用!
  •   外国人写的书就是不一样,思路相当好
  •   发货速度很快,书也很好。
  •   书得内容很好,我很喜欢,师兄也很喜欢
  •   书很好,特价的时候买的,便宜了好多,好书!
  •   正是我找的书,送货特快,当当服务真是很好,这是我第一次在当当购物
  •   书真的不错,循序渐进,有光盘就更好啦,呵呵
  •   书很好!质量不错。内容比较简单。
  •   挺好的一本书,大爱,是正版非常好~
  •   比较实用,专业
  •   适合学习会话专业外语人士用。
  •   学了不少知识,感觉比较实用
  •   刚到手,简单翻了下,内容还不错。看到丁香园的帖子推荐的,就买来做复试的资料了~~
  •   内容不是很难,但很详细
  •   嗯……随便买的,感觉不是很会用诶,好贵!
  •   买的时候在打折 真的很便宜啊 而且是正版 内容也很好
  •   还没看、摸着纸质很好!好评先
  •   质量挺好,内容丰富,还行!
  •   很好,很喜欢。会好好学的。
  •   很基础,很好
  •   质量很好,内容实用易懂
  •   还没看完,直至很好,就是贵
  •   送同事的,都说好
  •   基础读物,内容不错,练习题很好
  •   书比想象中薄,还没看呢
  •   适合一学生的。
  •   挺好的,就是阅读的有点难啊,加油啊
  •   书没那么厚,虽然很轻,纸质我很喜欢,内容各个系统很全,都有涉及,但没有很深刻
  •   非常喜欢,书不错!
  •   就是没有光盘有点遗憾,另外,送过来的时候,书有点皱,内容不错,以后再追加评论吧
  •   这套书很不错啊!积极推荐!
  •   书还不错,内容丰富实用。

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