
出版时间:2010-1  出版社:人民邮电  作者:(英)吉利恩·布朗//萨莉·赖斯  页数:128  




作者:(英国)布朗(Gillian D.Brown) (英国)赖斯(Sally Rice)


 Legal systems
 Sources of law: legislation
 Sources of law:common law
 The eourt system
 Criminal justice and
 criminal proceedings Civil procedure
 European Union law
 Working lives
 A law firm's structure and practice
 Client care procedures
 Money Jaundering procedures
 "Client corresponden'ce
 Explanations and clarification
Answer key


插图:Sole traderJamie Anderson, a partner in the commercial department of a law firm, is commenting on the choices for different trading vehicles for business.‘A client wanting to operate a business for profit might select from a number of different trading entities. Each has different legal characteristics and is subject to different rules and regulations. The simplest and commonest form of business structure is a sole trader. This generally suits a relatively small enterprise, such as an independent software developer, a hairdresser, or a small shop. It's headed by a single individual and it differs from a company in that the ownership and management is usually vested in the same person, who is personally responsible for all the debts of the business, and may thus risk becoming bankrupt. Finances are confidential and formalities are few, aside from Value Added Tax, or VAT, regulations.' Partnerships‘A common form of structure for certain kinds of business, for example accountants, solicitors, and architects, is a partnership. This needs to have at least two members and normally a maximum of twenty. There is an exemption on size for some types of firm, such as solicitors and accountants. All the partners may be joindy and severally liable for all the debts of the business. The relationship between the partners is usually drafted in the Partnership Agreement. This can set out the duration of the partnership, its name and business, how profits, losses, and running costs are to be shared, how much capital each partner is to contribute, what rules will apply to the capital, what grounds will lead to a partner being expelled from the company, what restrictions are imposed on partners, and so on. It's also possible to have a Limited Liability Partnership, or LLP, which has a legal identity separate from its members. In this sense it resembles a limited company (see text C). It's possible for all the partners except one, known as the general partner, to be a limited partner. A sleeping partner may have a share in the business but doesn't work in it. An individual is therefore able to invest capital in an LLP without risking any further liability. LLPs must be registered with the Registrar of Companies.' Limited Companies'A Private Limited Company (Ltd) is a separate legal entity which can sue, and be sued, in its own right. The Company is identified by its registered number, which will remain the same irrespective of any changes of name. A business can start life as a limited company and this may be particularly appropriate where high-risk projects are involved. In some instances, directors will be asked to guarantee the obligations of a company, for example by giving security over personal assets to guarantee company borrowing. This is particularly common in the case of new companies who are not able to demonstrate a history of profitable trading. A Public Limited Company, or PLC, is differentiated from a Private Limited Company in that the shares can be sold to the general public via the stock market to raise share capital. It's mandatory for a PLC to have at least two shareholders, two directors, and a professionally qualified Company Secretary. The minimum anthorised share capital is 50,000 and 25% must be paid up. Before the company can trade or borrow money, a Trading Certificate has to be obtained from the Registrar of Companies (see Unit 20).'


《剑桥法律英语》:Professional English in Use Law contains 45 units covering a wide variety of legal vocabulary, Topics include corporate and commercial law, liability, real property law, employment law, information technology, contract law, and intellectual property. The book also introduces general legal vocabulary related to legal systems and legal professions, as well as the functional language lawyers need in their daily working lives.Primarily designed as a self-study reference and practice book, Professional English in Use Law can also be used for classroom work and one-to-one lessons and is suitable for upper-intermediate to advanced students(B2-C1 ). Professional English in Use Law has been developed using authentic legal contexts, texts, and documents.45 easy-to-use units: vocabulary items are presented and explained in context on left-hand pages with a range of practice exercises on right-hand pages.A focus on key legal terms expands learners' vocabulary and functional language gives learners the confidence and ability to use English in a legal environment.Over to you' sections allow learners to apply the vocabulary they have   learned in the unit to their own law studies and working lives.Includes a comprehensive, learner-friendly answer key and index.Professional Enghsh in Use Law is an ideal companion for learners preparing for the new Cambridge International Legal English Certifi care (ILEC), covering key vocabulary and topics from the exam.




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  •   法律英语学习者的经典教材,比人大何怀宏的教材更实用,目前看起来基本上无压力,可能配上课件就更好了,起码要有录音就好了,正好学学发音。书没的说,国际法律英语大师之作。国外写的教材确实比中国人写的教材要好得多。这是没办法改变的,毕竟写书的人是母语英语国家的人。希望自己研究生三年能学完之后拿下这个法律英语的证书。当当的书一如既往的好。价格也不错。
  •   打算考法硕,买了一本法律英语准备好好看看,加油
  •   内容比较简练,每个专题都附有连接以便拓展学习,对于法律英语的学习也比较有帮助。
  •   我们上法律英语老师让我们买的,都是英文,分课时介绍英·美的法律体系还有基本的法律知识,不错的说,希望我能看完,不过好贵啊,肉疼。。。。。。
  •   虽然书比较薄,但是内容还是很赞的,我觉得是学习法律英语的一本不错的书。比在书店买便宜不少,还是当当好!
  •   嗯东西挺好的。适合法律英语入门者来用。
  •   法律英语对我来说还是很难的,慢慢看吧。
  •   法律英语必备书籍~网评极高~屯书囤书~~
  •   书其实真不厚,全彩,纸质一般,但是略看了下,内容很好,不过全英文(毕竟作者是英国人),每一个课时讲的东西都很明确,需要配一本专门的英汉法律词典,当阅读看其实也很有意思,总之是一本很不错的书~
  •   剑桥值得信赖。美中不足是没有音频。
  •   我是买了几本有关法律的书配合着读的,目前还没开始读这本书,但是信手翻了几页,相信一定会让我收获巨大。
  •   没什么法律基础的我看,有点糊涂
  •   书薄质量高,无论是纸张还是内容,非常专业。读了这本书对英美法有了大致了解,很好很强大!而且有网站链接,可以扩大视野!QQ276130351
  •   全英文的,有点难度,正在学习
  •   好多专业术语,都呀查字典才知道。
  •   全英文,努力学
  •   我以为这么经典的一本书会挺厚的,拿到手发现不是特别厚,如果不是因为内容多、细、全取胜,可以想象它的内容质量一定很高。
  •   对考试有用,推荐
  •   原版读物,虽然简单,但是内容比较全面。比较有收获。
  •   纸质很好!内容精要!
  •   基础读物,内容稍少了些,练习题不错
  •   人民邮电的书没一个是便宜的。
  •   不止一次购买送人,大家都觉得好
  •   书还没看·暂时
  •   不错不错哦 挺赞的 物流也给力
  •   和想象的一样 不错!
  •   送给妹妹的礼物。希望她能用好这本书吧。呵呵
  •   书有点薄。。。
  •   读书时学的英语忘了不少了,先炒炒冷饭吧,语感回来了再进一步来学习,不过好像内容有点少,书有点薄
  •   等的时间好长啊,差点今天上课用不上哈~
  •   太忙了,还没时间看,有空一定仔细阅读
  •   书籍是不错,不多是全英文版的,没有译文,没有注释,也没有光盘
  •   对于一个想学习法律英语的人来说,看看这个书还是很不错的。
  •   不错的书,学习法律英语用得着。
  •   介绍英国法律系统的
  •   书还不错,就是价格有些贵。正在学习中,等全部看完再评论。
  •   看着很像教材,好好学习,要坚持看完。
  •   这本书拿到之后觉得有点薄,相对于其定价来说,就更觉得有点薄了,不过也许是品牌效应,才定价高的
  •   包装不好,被压皱了,内容还没具体看,以前看过其他类似的东西
  •   书的内容有点浅
  •   书的内容不是太多,有一定难度,不适合用作入门,不过有一定水平想提高自己的可以用。正版不错,价格略贵,就是磨损的旧旧的,还皱了。
  •   书很薄,里面很多习题,封面有点磨损
  •   篇幅短,内容深,有难度,算是对英国法律的概括介绍,不甚详细,但面面俱到。须有基本法律基础,否则理解困难。
  •   书很薄而精,容易自学,有习题和答案,课文简洁干练。
  •   很好呢,送的也很快。主要是纸张内容比较好
  •   全英文,看得我真痛苦啊。
  •   只能说那么一薄本小书,却卖那么贵,出版商够黑的
  •   内容好,纸质好,而且很轻。
  •   说实话买这本书是脑子一热的后果,没什么基础,当然也看不太懂。重点是价格是非常的贵。。。
  •   这本其实作用不大,讲的基本也是国外的法律什么的。其实主要是想学习一下法律术语英语如何表达。这个就简单学习一下了
  •   还可以,专业的。。。。
  •   这个书虽然通篇都是英文,但是对有点英语底子的人来说,还是能明白其中含义的,其中的专业术语非常值得一学。
  •   作为基础法律还是很不错的
  •   法律类词汇 介绍法律知识的同时介绍法律词汇 挺适合我这样的学生
  •   书里面内容非常基础,很适合初学者。
  •   质量一般,不过性价比还可以,就当考试入门书了!
  •   书的风格很像大学英语视听说书,内容很好,还配有习题,另设有网络链接,就是太贵了!
  •   买来作自学用的书,收到书后翻看,相当满意
  •   各方面都满意,就是要是那种打孔装订,阅读感会更好。
  •   作为法律英语的入门书挺好的,应该是正版,印刷很清楚
  •   书质量很好,配送给力。总体满意
  •   活动时买绝对值
  •   还没看,但起码印刷比较精美。
  •   法律英语
  •   这个内容,还是需要些专业知识

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