
出版时间:2010-2  出版社:人民邮电出版社  作者:(美)覃伯淇,(美)程建群 著  页数:274  


  The use of English language in China had been very limited in the pastcentury. It is only until these recent ten years people in China began to recog-nize the need of using English in their work (and to some extent in their dailylife) when China becomes more open to foreign countries. Schools, collegesand universities began to add more emphasis on teaching English. Today,Chinese college and university graduates generally should have achieved cer-tain English language proficiency (generally measured at CET-4 or CET-6).Also, there are many specialty English language schools throughout Chinaoffering English language training at various levels. Nonetheless, unfortu-nately, most such graduates would find themselves speechless in the situa-tion where English language has to be used in communications. Also, writ-ten correspondences and documentation by such graduates are often far lessthan acceptable.  This book titled, "Practical IT English for Chinese" , is written as a textbook to support the training for people whose mother tongue is primarily Chi-nese and who are engaged in Information Technology (IT) related businesses.While IT businesses cover a very wide range of disciplines, our focus is basi-cally technology-oriented. Our main targeted readers are engineers and manag-ers who are working on software systems development, testing, operations andmaintenance, as well as related business domains supported by such softwaresystems. This book can be used as a university text book for undergraduate andgraduate students preparing for their career in the IT industry.


  《实用IT英语》是面向中国IT人士的英语培训教材。它针对中国人学习英语多年,已具备一定基础的特点,力图通过大量模拟实际IT环境的训练辅以正确的方法,让读者能够轻松用英语交流。全书通篇用英文写成,利于营造英语氛围,培养语感,更体现《实用IT英语》“用英文思考”的主线。前4章,每页英文后附对应的中文翻译,供英文阅读有困难的读者参考。  《实用IT英语》实用性强,可作为企业的培训教材,也可供大专院校计算机系及IT相关专业的学生使用,作为自学教材亦是不错的选择。


  Stanley Chum received his Ph.D. degree in Computerand Communications Engineering from the University ofBirmingham, United Kingdom. He accumulated over 25years of practical experiences from Europe, Canada andUnited States, covering a broad range of expertise includingresearch and development of computer and communicationssystem, project management, market analysis, product management, systemengineering, network design, applications software development, system test,and ISO 9000 quality assurance and audit.  In early 1990s, Dr. Chum had acted as a United Nations DevelopmentProgram (UNDP) envoy to China, and had made major contribution to theChina telecommunications modernization strategic plan. He was also invitedas an advisory professor for the Beijing University of Post and Telecommuni-cations.  Dr. Chums employment history includes senior management andengineering positions for Sprint Communications, GTE, Southern PacificCommunications, Pacific Bell (all of United States), Canada Nortel and BellResearch Labs, and Cable and Wireless (United Kingdom). Dr. Chum wasalso Lecturer for the University of California.  Dr. Chum returned to China in 2005, and directed his interest to theChinese academia. In China, he serves as Professor for Beijing Universityof Aeronautics and Astronautics, and Chief Technology Officer for NationalSoftware Talents Training Center (Computer software and Integrated CircuitsPromotion Center, China Ministry of Information Industry). He also providesconsulting services to Wyse Technology (China R&D Center), Microsoft, andChina Electricity Central Research Laboratory.  Jason Cheng received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees inComputer Science from the University of Hawaii, UnitedStates, with over 15 years of programming, software en-gineering and management experience in major US enter-prises including Sprint Communications and Starvox.  Currently Dr. Cheng is the Director of the NationalSottware Talents Training Center (Computer Software and Integrated CircuitsPromotion Center, China Ministry of Information Industry), Specialist Advi-sor for China Sourcing Alliance (Computer Software and Integrated CircuitsPromotion Center, China Ministry of Information Industry). Chief ExecutiveOfficer of Beijing Sinobitek Technology, Professor and Head of the SoftwareEngineering and Management Specialty Department, College of Software,Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Dr. Cheng was theformer China R&D Director for Wyse Technology (USA), and Vice Presidentof Logical Exchange, Inc. (USA).


第1章 提升英语口语表达能力1.1 从最熟悉的话题说起1.2 说英语时的翻译过程1.3 训练大脑用英语思考1.3.1 训练模块1:简单的算术题1.3.2 训练模块2:用英语记忆和描述一幅画面1.3.3 训练模块3:用英语讲故事1.3.4 训练模块4:倾听并复述1.4 记忆倾听时所能领会的1.4.1 “五个W”1.4.2 双层记忆法1.5 训练自己的发声系统习惯于说英语1.5.1 建议1:单词和句子1.5.2 建议2:简短的段落1.5.3 建议3:音量1.5.4 建议4:语速1.5.5 建议5:默念1.5.6 建议6:停顿与换气1.5.7 建议7:语调与感情1.6 元语言1.7 训练例句及段落1.7.1 例句1.7.2 段落示例第2章 IT专业人员必备英语知识及练习2.1 用英语练习你最感兴趣的话题2.1.1 你的公司2.1.2 你现在的工作2.2 信息技术领域的职业2.2.1 计算机硬件工程师2.2.2 软件工程师2.2.3 IT 网络专家2.2.4 应用研究和开发人员2.2.5 数据库管理员2.2.6 Web 设计师2.2.7 技术支持人员2.3 全球化软件外包产业2.3.1 什么是“外包”2.3.2 什么可以外包2.3.3 应用开发与维护(ADM)2.3.4 业务流程外包(BPO)2.3.5 为什么公司把事务外包出去2.3.6 外包项目类型2.3.7 语言障碍2.3.8 文档屏障2.4 IT 专业人士的日常工作2.4.1 示例A:寻求帮助2.4.2 示例B:为客户咨询提供技术支持2.5 掌握信息技术术语第3章 用英语沟通3.1 沟通的构成因素3.2 环境3.2.1 语言组合3.2.2 方向3.2.3 距离3.2.4 时机3.2.5 媒介及设施3.2.6 文化、术语和行话3.2.7 注意力和集中度3.2.8 课堂练习3.3 参与者3.3.1 关系3.3.2 等级或辈份3.3.3 背景3.4 目的3.5 内容3.6 动机3.7 有备而来第4章 在工作中用英语交谈4.1 交谈与倾听4.2 评定你交谈时的顾虑4.3 演讲与交谈4.3.1 演讲4.3.2 交谈4.4 交谈技巧4.4.1 认识对方并称呼他们的名字4.4.2 慢慢地讲清楚4.4.3 使用适度音量4.4.4 说话的激情4.4.5 姿势和定位4.4.6 眼神接触4.4.7 使用手势4.4.8 使用面部表情4.4.9 身体移动4.4.10 使用主动语态第5章 实际案例练习5.1 介绍自己5.2 介绍他人或者被人介绍5.3 在办公室和实验室5.4 浅谈公司的产品和服务5.5 与美国工程师通电话5.6 美国的项目经理来电话5.7 聊聊时差的问题5.8 预定航班5.9 预约5.10 安排会议5.11 安排和接受工作任务5.12 解释你的源代码5.13 解释一个测试用例5.14 谈论团体工作5.15 谈论软件质量保证英语中的语言IT术语


  “当今商业社会中第一位的成功要素”是“要说服别人同意你的价值观和想法”。上述结论是美国管理协会对2800个企业主管的调研结果。说服别人的方法与沟通机制可以包括交谈、信件、电子邮件、商业文件等。其中,交谈常常起到决定性的因素。因此,这是每个人工作中不可或缺的技能。对一个软件工程师来说,如果想在软件外包公司的工作上有较大的成就,良好的英语交谈能力常常起到决定性的作用。  虽然不是那么明显,但事实上,你在工作中与别人交谈时,是在运用某种方式去表达你的想法并向周围的人传达你的价值观。你希望别人倾听你的言论,也想树立自信心。因此,有一些法则你需要遵守。  法则1:你说话时要发音清楚且音量适中,使人们能够听清。  法则2:你要深知你所谈论的内容和事实依据,使你想法所体现的价值观令人信服。  相反地,除了极少数人以外,你周围的大多数人很可能并不渴望倾听你的想法。即便是那些倾听你的人,他们对你的谈话内容也只吸收很少的一部分。沟通原理表明,一条信息通常需要传达三次,才能被别人正确地吸收和消化。这是因为除了某些经过专业倾听能力训练的人以外(例如实时语言翻译的专业人员),一般人都可能曲解他们所听到的一半内容。此外,大多数人都会倾向于过滤所听到的内容,选择他们所想听的并不自觉地过滤了他们不重视的。




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