
出版时间:2010-1  出版社:人民邮电  作者:(英)迈克尔·帕金|改编:王雅璨  页数:593  




  迈克尔·帕金的《经济学》是一部国际公认的基础经济学优秀教科书,其英文版不仅在美国国内同类图书市场中份额领先,而且在英国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰、新加坡、马来西亚、泰国、日本、中国香港和中国台湾等二十几个国家和地区的大学里,多年来被持续、广泛选作经济学课程的适用教材。它能够在激烈的竞争中取胜,靠的不是作者的名气,而是内容全面、时新,论述透彻、可信,语言浅显、流畅,教辅丰富、多样。  本书是依据帕金《经济学》第7版改编的经济学双语课适用教材。本双语教学版作者有着多年使用帕金《经济学》英文版进行双语教学的成功经验,根据我国经济和管理类专业《经济学(初级)教学大纲》的要求,在保留英文版主体结构的基础上,对部分章节进行了合并和删节,对体现原理的重点句、难句进行了翻译,对专业词汇、生词进行了中文注释。因此,本双语版既能体现英文原版书的鲜明特色,又能更好的适合我国高校双语教学的需要。达到了学生买得起、教师愿意用的效果。  本书分10编共26章,全面反映了微观经济学和宏观经济学的主体内容,对环境经济学、信息经济学和经济全球化等均有最新的阐释。本书适合作为我国高校经济和管理类专业经济学双语课教材,也可供理论工作者研究参考。


作者:(英国)迈克尔·帕金(Michael Parkin) 改编:王雅璨Michael Parkin, received his training as an economist at the Universities of Leicester and Essex in England. Currently in the Department of Economics at the University of Western Ontario, Canada, Professor Parkin has held faculty appointments at Brown University, the University of Manchester, the University of Essex, and Bond University. He is a past president of the Canadian Economics Association and has served on the editorial boards of the American EconomicReview and the Journal of Monetary Economics and as managing editor of theCanadian Journal of Economics. Professor Parkin's research on macroeconomics,monetary economics, and international economics has resulted in over 160 publications in journals and edited volumes, including the American Economic Review, the Journal of Political Economy, the Review of Economic Studies, the Journal of Monetary Economics, and the Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.He became most visible to the public with his work on inflation that discredited the use of wage and price controls. Michael Parkin also spearheaded the movement toward European monetary union. Professor Parkin is an experienced and dedicated teacher of introductory economics.


第一编  导言  第1章  什么是经济学  第2章  经济问题第二编  市场如何运行  第3章  需求和供给  第4章  弹性  第5章  效率和公平  第6章  现实中的市场第三编  家庭的选择  第7章  效用与需求  第8章  可能性、偏好与选择第四编  企业与市场  第9章    生产与成本  第10章  完全竞争  第11章  垄断  第12尊  垄断竞争与寡头第五编  市场失灵和政府  第13章  外部性  第14章  公共物品和公共资源第六编  要素市场  第15章  要素市场的需求与供给第七编  宏观经济概述  第16章  GDP和经济增长的衡量  第17章  周期、就业和物价水平的监控  第18章  总供给和总需求第八编  总供给和经济增长  第19章  充分就业时的经济:古典模型  第20章  经济增长第九编  总需求、货币和通货膨胀  第21章  货币和银行  第22章  货币、利息、实际CDP和物价水平  第23章 通货膨胀第十编  经济波动和稳定政策  第24章  支出乘数:凯恩斯模型  第25章  财政政策  第26章  货币政策专业术语表G—l


经济学的定义Definition of EconomicsALL ECONOMIC QUESTIONS ARISE BECAUSE WE want more than we can get. We want a peaceful and secure world. We want clean air, lakes, and rivers. We want long and healthy lives. We want good schools,colleges, and universities. We want spacious and comfortable homes. We want an enormous range of sports and recreational gear from running shoes to jet skis. We want the time to enjoy sports, games, novels, movies, music, travel, and hanging out with our friends.What each one of us can get is limited by time,by the incomes we earn, and by the prices we must pay. Everyone ends up with some unsatisfied wants.What as a society we can get is limited by our productive resources. These resources include the gifts of nature, human labor and ingenuity, and tools and equipment that we have produced.Our inability to satisfy all our wants is called scarcity. The poor and the rich alike face scarcity. Achild wants a $1.00 can of soda and two 50~ packs of gum but has only $1.00 in his pocket. He faces scarcity. A millionaire wants to spend the weekend playing golf and spend the same weekend at the office attending a business strategy meeting. She faces scarcity. A society wants to provide improved health care,install a computer in every classroom, explore space,dean polluted lakes and rivers, and so on. Society faces scarcity. Even parrots face scarcity!Faced with scarcity, we must choose among the available alternatives. The child must choose the soda or the gum. The millionaire must choose the golf game or the meeting. As a society, we must choose among health care, national defense, and the environment.The choices that we make depend on the incentives that we face. An incentive is a reward that encourages or a penalty that discourages an action. If the price of soda falls, the child has an incentive to choose more soda. Ifa profit of $10 million is at stake, the millionaire has an incentive to skip the golf game. As computer prices tumble, school boards have an incentive to connect more classrooms to the Internet.Economlea is the social science that studies thechoices that individuals, businesses, governments,and entire societies make as they cope with scarcity and the incentives that influence and reconcile thosechoices. The subject divides into two main partsMicroeconomicsMacroeconomics微观经济学MicroeconomicsMicroeconomics is the study of the choices that individuals and businesses make, the way these choices interact in markets, and the influence of governments.Some examples of microeconomic issues are: Why are people buying more SUVs and fewer minivans? How would a tax on e-commerce affect Amazon.com?宏观经济学MacroeconomicsMaeroeeonomics is the study of the performance of the national economy and the global economy. Some examples of macroeconomic issues are: Why did production and jobs shrink in 2001? Why has Japan's economy stagnated? Can the Federal Reserve bring prosperity by cutting interest rates?REVIEW QUIZ1 List some examples of scarcity in the UnitedStates today.2 Use the headlines in today's news to provide some examples of scarcity around the world.3 Use today's news to illustrate the distinction between microeconomics and macroeconomics.incentive激励economics经济学scarcity稀缺性microeconomics微观经济学macroeconomics宏观经济学


2000年,我开始为本科低年级学生开设经济学原理双语课程。使用的教材就是迈克尔·帕金的原版教材Economics。根据多年使用帕金《经济学》积累的经验,我们决定吸收其原版教材的优点,弥补其不足。在征得帕金教授的同意后,在原版第7版的基础上,进行双语教材的改编。本双语改编教材通过北京高等教育精品教材立项。 帕金Economics(第7版)结构和逻辑严谨,适合中国人的阅读习惯;语言非常通俗浅显,对中国学生的语言瓶颈较小。案例丰富、章节安排易于教与学。在内容和框架上,我们依据最新的高等学校经济管理专业的《经济学(初级)教学大纲》,根据教学需要以及学生理解的连贯性,既对部分章节进行了合并处理,力求改编后的教材结构更加紧凑,内容更趋合理;又对原版教材中已超出了初级原理教学的一些章节和内容进行了删除。在体例上,我们对本书出现的术语、结论以及难句和生词进行翻译和注释,以方便学生在学习时能更准确、更有效地把握住本节重点,提高学习效率。我们还将原书中的部分内容独立划分出来,变成案例,从而使主体原理更加突出。   ——王雅璨 北京交通大学经济管理学院 “这本书被称为最好的几种经济学教材之一,靠的不是作者的名气,而是它的本身内容。它涵盖了基础经济学的全部内容,而且在同类教科书中是最详尽的。如果读者把这本书读好,经济学的基础就非常扎实了。”   ——梁小民,北京工商大学教授 “我的确钦佩他把经济学的原理写得这么清新隽永,内容之清晰好像清澈见底的湖水。这也是我在1994年第一次读到帕金的经济学教科书(早期的版本)的印象。……作为一本经济学初学者的教材,书中对本来需要借助于更多数学和公理才能讲明白的重要理论和分析方法能够给出最简短和最巧妙的解析,这是别的教科书中不常见的。”   ——张军,复旦大学经济学院教授






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  •   这本书是迈克尔-帕金的经典著作,网上也有相应的双语课程供配套学习,很给力。在学习经济学知识的同时,也学习很多经济学专业词汇,提高英语水平,一举两得。美中不足的是,这本书正文字体太小了,看着费劲,希望再版时将字体放大些。另外,尽量保持原著全貌,尽量少的删改,就更好了。这本书邮来打开包装发现,封面剐蹭痕迹明显,包装完好,估计是书在寄来时就有些剐蹭,这是我第一次收到当当寄来的书封面有磨损现象,希望今后避免此类事情再度发生。祝大家学习进步!
  •   本來以為是英文翻譯成中文 自己本來就有一本原版的. 結果裏面中文就幾個字而已.
  •   书很正常,价位也不错
  •   超级重,超级厚,不过,作为双语教材,还行吧
  •   这货是我们的教材 木有办法 必须买 不过还不错
  •   好多地方有乱码,而且目录只有中文,对于用惯了英文的人很麻烦。。

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