
出版时间:2009-9  出版社:人民邮电出版社  作者:布鲁克希尔  页数:666  


在计算机学科的大学教育中,有一门重要的课程,即该学科各专业的学生都必须学习的一门专业基础课,在我国一般称作“计算机概论”。学生从中学进入大学,开始正规而系统地学习计算机专业课程,需要首先对计算机科学技术的基础知识有一个概括而准确的了解,否则学习其他任何一门专业课都会遇到许多障碍。所以这门课程对于计算机软件与理论、计算机体系结构、计算机应用技术等专业的教学都是非常重要的。J.Glenn Brookshear著的《计算机科学概论》(Computer Science;An Overview)就是这样一本适合作为上述课程教材的好书。该书在美国哈佛大学、加州大学等各所大学被采用。自第一版之后,作者根据计算机科学技术的新发展不断地对该书进行更新和补充,目前已经是第10版。书中介绍了计算机硬件、软件、数据库和计算理论等方面的内容。对这些内容的论述深浅适当,文字通俗易懂且简练和准确;每一节都有精心设计的习题;颇具匠心给出的插图,很好地表现了书中阐述的内容。总之,这是一本很值得引进和推广的好教材。在我国,改革开放以来计算机科学技术的学科建设和教材建设一直在稳步发展。各高校的教师为此付出了大量心血,写作出版了许多高质量的教材。其中有许多教材不但具有很好的学术水平,而且适合我国的国情与文化背景。同时,学习和借鉴国际上先进的科学技术和优秀文化,是培养人才的需要。有选择地引进国外的优秀教材,必将有效地促进我国教育事业的健康发展。这本书的影印出版,将对我国的计算机专业基础课的教学和教材建设起到良好的作用。它也可以用于非计算机专业的计算机教学和计算机产业界的技术培训。


  本书是计算机科学导论课程的一本经典教材,全书对计算机科学做了精彩的百科全书式的全面阐述,全景式地展现了计算机科学的发展历程、现状及其新的技术发展趋势。  本书首先介绍的是信息编码及计算机体系结构的基本原理(第1章和第2章);进而是操作系统(第3章)和计算机网络(第4章)的内容,接着探讨了算法、程序设计语言及软件开发(第5章~第7章),然后探索了数据结构和数据库(第8章和第9章)方面的问题,第10章通过图形讲述计算机技术的主要应用,第11章涉及人工智能,第12章阐述了计算机抽象理论。  本书在内容编排上遵循由具体到抽象推进这样一种很利于教学的顺序,每一个主题自然而然地引导出下一个主题。此外,书中还有大量的图、表和实例,增强了读者对知识的了解与把握。  本书既适合作为高等院校计算机以及相关专业本科生教材,也可以供有意在计算机方面发展的非计算机专业读者作为入门参考。


J.Glenn Brooksherar是世界知名的计算机科学教育家。他在1975年获得新墨西哥州立大学博士学位后,创立了Marquette大学的计算机科学学位项目,并在该校任教至今。他的主要研究方向是计算理论。除了本书之外,他还著有Theory of Computation:Forma/Languages,Automata,


Chapter 0 Introduction  0.1 The Role of Algorithms  0.2 The Origins of Computing Machines  0.3 The Science of Algorithms  0.4 Abstraction  0.5 An Outline of Our Study  0.6 Social Repercussions Chapter 1 Data Storage  1.1 Bits and Their Storage  1.2 Main Memory  1.3 Mass Storage  1.4 Representing Information as Bit Patterns  1.5 The Binary System  1.6 Storing Integers  1.7 Storing Fractions  1.8 Data Compression  1.9 Communication Errors Chapter 2 Data Manipulation  2.1 Computer Architecture  2.2 Machine Language  2.3 Program Execution  2.4 Arithmetic/Logic Instructions  2.5 Communicating with Other Devices  2.6 Other Architectures Chapter 3 Operating Systems  3.1 The History of Operating Systems  3.2 Operating System Architecture  3.3 Coordinating the Machine's Activities  3.4 Handling Competition Among Processes  3.5 Security Chapter 4 Networking and the Internet  4.1 Network Fundamentals  4.2 The Internet  4.3 The World Wide Web  4.4 Internet Protocols  4.5 Security Chapter 5 Algorithms  5.1 The Concept of an Algorithm  5.2 Algorithm Representation  5.3 Algorithm Discovery  5.4 Iterative Structures  5.5 Recursive Structures  5.6 Efficiency and Correctness Chapter 6 Programming Languages  6.1 Historical Perspective  6.2 Traditional Programming Concepts  6.3 Procedural Units  6.4 Language Implementation  6.5 Object-Oriented Programming  6.6 Programming Concurrent Activities  6.7 Declarative Programming Chapter 7 Software Engineering  7.1 The Software Engineering Discipline  7.2 The Software Life Cycle  7.3 Software Engineering Methodologies  7.4 Modularity  7.5 Tools of the Trade  7.6 Quality Assurance  7.7 Documentation  7.8 The Human-Machine Interface  7.9 Software Ownership and Liability Chapter 8 Data AbstractionsChapter 9 Database SystemsChapter 10 Computer GraphicsChapter 11 Artificial IntelligenceChapter 12 Theory of ComputationAppendixes Index 


插图:Another example occurs when using the services of a search engine. In thiscase a user at the client specifies a topic of interest (a client-side activity) whichis then transferred to the search engine where a customized Web page identifyingdocuments of possible interest is constructed (a server-side activity) and sentback to the client. Still another example occurs in the case of Web mail-an in-creasingly popular means by which computer users are able to access theiremail by means of Web browsers. In this case, the Web server is an intermediarybetween the client and the client's mail server. Essentially, the Web server buildsWeb pages that contain information from the mail server (a server-side activity)and sends those pages to the client where the client's browser displays them (aclient-side activity). Conversely, the browser allows the user to create messages(a client-side activity) and sends that information to the Web server, which thenforwards the messages to the mail server (a server-side activity) for mailing.There are numerous systems for performing client- and server-side activi-ties, each competing with the others for prominence. An early and still popularmeans of controlling client-side activities is to include programs written in thelanguage JavaScript (developed by Netscape Communications, Inc.) withinthe HTML source document for the Web page. From there a browser can extractthe programs and follow them as needed. Another approach (developed by SunMicrosystems) is to first transfer a Web page to a browser and then transfer addi-tional program units called applets (written in the language Java) to the browseras requested within the HTML source document. Still another approach is thesystem Flash (developed by Macromedia) by which extensive multimedia client-side presentations can be implemented.An early means of controling server-side activities was to use a set of stan-dards called CGI (Common Gateway Interface) by which clients could requestthe execution of programs stored at a server. A variation of this approach (devel-oped by Sun Microsystems) is to allow clients to cause program units calledservlets to be executed at the server side. A simplified version of the servlet ap-proach is applicable when the requested server-side activity is the constructionof a customized Web page, as in our travel agent example. In this case Web pagetemplates called JavaServer Pages (LISP) are stored at the Web server and com-pleted using information received from a client. A similar approach is used byMicrosoft, where the templates from which customized Web pages are con-structed are called Active Server Pages (ASP). In contrast to these proprietarysystems, PHP (originally standing for Personal Home Page but now consideredto mean PHP Hypertext Processor) is an open source system for implementingserver-side functionality.






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