出版时间:2009 出版社:人民邮电出版社 作者:Donis Marshall,John Bruno 页数:315
本书探讨了编写高质量代码的最佳实践,涉及软件开发的各个方面。书中的实用建议来自经验丰富的工程开发人员,这些建议可以应用于设计、原型化、实现、调试和测试等产品开发生命周期的各阶段。同时,本书也提供了微软公司Windows Live Hotmail 和Live Search 等团队的真实开发案例。 本书适合各层次软件开发人员阅读。
Donis Marshall 著名微软技术专家,现任DebugLive公司总裁。具有20多年的开发经验,10多年来培训了几代微软工程师,尤其擅长调试技术。除本书外,他著有多部作品,包括Programming Microsoft Visual C# 2008: The Language和.NET Security Programming。
John Bruno 微软公司高级项目经理,具有10多年的软件开发经验。他在Windows Live以及Windows Live Spaces服务架构和开发平台的开发中都起到了关键作用。
1 Code Quality in an Agile World Traditional Methods of Software Development Agile Methods of Software Development Scrum eXtreme Programming Test-Driven Development Moving Quality Upstream Inside Microsoft: Windows Live Hotmail Engineering... Engineering Principles Key Success Factors Tactics for Writing Solid Code Focus on Design Defend and Debug Analyze and Test Improve Processes and Attitudes Summary Key Points2 Class Design and Prototyping Collaboration in Visual Studio Think First, Code Later Software Modeling Unified Modeling Language Prototyping Summary Key Points3 Metaprogramming What Is Metadata? Metadata in Managed Applications Application Configuration Files Metadata in Your Applications Inside Microsoft: Configuration Management in Windows Live Spaces... Summary Key Points4 Performance Is a Feature Common Performance Challenges Network Latency Payload Size and Network Round Trips Limited TCP Connections Poorly Optimized Code Analyzing Application Performance Analyzing the Performance of Live Search Tactics for Improving Web Application Performance Reduce Payload Size Cache Effectively Optimize Network Traffic Organize and Write Code for Better Performance Incorporating Performance Best Practices Establish a Performance Excellence Program Inside Microsoft: Tackling Live Search Performance Web Performance Principles Key Success Factors Summary Key Points5 Designing for Scale Understanding Application Scalability ……6 Security Desing and Implementation7 Managed Memory Model8 Defensive Programming9 Debugging10 Code Analysis11 Improving Engineering Processes12 Attitude Is EverythingA Aglie Development ResourcesB Web Performance ResourcesIndex
Thus far we have discussed tactics to address two of the three principles outlined in the pre-vious section. Those tactics enumerated specific and actionable recommendations for how todesign applications to address scalability and availability in your applications. While both ofthose goals and their respective tactics for achieving them are critically important, they arecomplemented by the third and equally important principle that applications be manageableand maintainable from an operational perspective.As applications begin to scale out to accommodate more users, the complexity of the appli-cation infrastructure, live site issues, and management overhead can increase, as well. Thiscan lead to potential quality problems with the delivery of the application, which will nega-tively affect users while simultaneously driving up the cost of maintenance. Live site bugs,capacity issues, and general server reliability problems are just a few examples of issues thatmay arise unexpectedly and require diagnosis and supportive action. It is important thatapplication developers consider the necessary features that enable their applications to besupported and managed by individuals who may not have actually written the executingapplication code. Adding instrumentation, interfaces for connecting monitoring tools, andapplication health reporting are just a few examples of features that help to paint a clear pic-ture of how the application is working in the live production environment. This will inevitablylead to an improvement in managing the application, as well as diagnosing and addressingissues on the live site even as the application scales to accommodate additional users.Unfortunately, addressing manageability and maintainability within application designsis often not the first priority for development teams. As application developers, we tendto gravitate toward the set of "problems" that are most interesting for us to solve from anarchitectural and business perspective~ This generally means that the set of work required toensure that the application can be operationally managed and maintained is prioritized lowerthan design work for other parts of the application~ Therefore, the correct level of develop-ment investment in areas of manageability and maintainability is not always made duringthe design of the application.
“这本书很好地兼顾了管理和技术两个方面,内容涉及软件建模、安全设计、防御性编程等。应用书中提供的最佳实践,可以令开发人员的软件开发水平更上一层楼。” ——John Robbins,微软技术大师,Wintellect 创始人之一“这是每个IT 专业人士必读的一本书,特别是使用托管代码的开发人员。书中不仅给出了最佳工程实践,并通过实际案例加以解析。” ——Andres Juarez,微软公司产品发布经理
通过将《我们在微软怎样开发软件(英文版)》的理念和实践应用于实战,开发团队和个人的水平将迅速达到全新境界。第一次全面揭示世界软件巨人微软致胜的技术奥秘深入剖析成就高质量代码的四大关键原则软件开发人员的必读秘籍今天,软件日趋复杂,而要求却越来越高,如何应对愈加困难的开发任务,创建高质量、高效率和安全的软件?《我们在微软怎样开发软件(英文版)》由两位著名微软技术专家合著,总结了微软公司各开发团队多年来积累的成功经验,揭示了全球软件巨人微软公司在软件开发周期各个阶段构建高质量代码的内幕,内容兼顾管理和技术两个层面。书中生动讲述了大量现代软件开发方法和编程技巧,提供了许多来自各微软开发团队的真知灼见,并从中提炼出“专注于设计 ”、“防御和调试”、“分析和测试”和“改进过程和观念”四大关键原则。