
出版时间:2009-10  出版社:人民邮电出版社  作者:姚永玉,常云朋,周丽丹 编著  页数:183  


 本书精选了36篇机电一体化技术方面的英语文章,全面、系统地展示了与机电相关的各类信息,介绍了机电技术领域的最新技术和知识,对机电一体化技术专业英语中的高频词汇和语法做了详细的分析和讲解。通过本书的学习,读者可以在字典的帮助下读懂一般的机电类英文文献。本书配有译文、课件和习题答案,读者可到人民邮电出版社教学服务资源网(www.ptpedu.com.cn)进行下载。  本书可作为高职高专院校机电一体化专业的英语教材,也可以作为工程技术人员的自学参考书。


Part 1 Material and Heat Treatment  Unit 1 Metals   Reading Material:Steels  Unit 2 Heat Treatment   Reading Material:Surface Hardening  Unit 3 Iron-Carbon Equilibrium Diagram   Reading Material:Hot Working of Metals Part 2 Machine Design  Unit 1 Machine Designed   Reading Material:The Strength of Mechanical Elements  Unit 2 Couplings, Clutches, Shafts, Spring and Threaded fastener   Reading Material:Four Bar Linkage  Unit 3 Gear and Belt Drives   Reading Material:Bearing and Cam Part 3 Processing Machine  Unit 1 Engine Lathe   Reading Material:Machine Tool Motors  Unit 2 The Non-Traditional Machining Hand-book   Reading Material:Design and Manufacturing Tolerances  Unit 3 Primary Processes   Reading Material:Secondary Processes Part 4 Electronic Technology  Unit 1 Electrical Machines   Reading Material:Linear Motors Basic  Unit 2 Control System Fundamentals   Reading Material:Overview of Control Engineering  Unit 3 Applications of Automatic Control   Reading Material:DC Motors in Control Systems Part 5 Mechatronics Technology  Unit 1 Mechatronics   Reading Material:The Development of the Automobile as a Mechatronic System  Unit 2 Programmable Logic Controllers   Reading Material:Additional PLC Components  Unit 3 Principle of a Hydraulic Drive   Reading Material:Hydraulic Pump Types Part 6 Advanced Manufacturing Technology  Unit 1 Computer Numerical Control   Reading Material:Numerical Control of Machine Tools 15 Unit 2 Prototyping   Reading Material:Rapid Manufacturing  Unit 3 Computer-aided Manufacturing   Reading Material:Computer-aided Design 附录A The Format of Technical Paper(科技论文的格式) 附录B The Translation Basic of Technical Paper(科技英语翻译基础) 参考文献


  《机电专业英语(高职)》从实际生产的应用出发,从英美原著文章及一些最新技术资料中选取了具有典型代表意义的机电类文章。加以适当删减、改变而成。《机电专业英语(高职)》所选取的文章,大都文笔流畅,内容通俗,并具有一定的趣味性。教师可以结合相应专业课的教学来提高学生英语阅读与翻译的能力。  《机电专业英语(高职)》所选文章包括金属材料及热处理、机械设计、机械加工、电控技术、机电一体化技术以及先进制造技术等多方面的内容,每单元分课文和课后阅读两部分,教师可根据所教的专业和课时有选择性地进行讲解。适用于机电类专业,每章配有译文资料,篇幅适中,难度适宜。



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