出版时间:2008-3 出版社:人民邮电出版社 作者:(美)卢森斯(LuthansF.),霍杰茨(Hodgetts 页数:155
《跨文化沟通与管理(第6版)》在全球化跨文化的背景下,论述当今国际贸易与国际管理的新特点。全书共分四章:文化的含义和维度;跨文化管理;组织的文化与多样性;跨文化交流与谈判。《跨文化沟通与管理(第6版)》作者是国际知名的管理学和心理学专家,在对文化的认识上没有意识形态的偏见。作者认为文化不具有优劣之分,了解、适应和尊重每种文化的不同特点是有效进行跨文化沟通的基础。 《跨文化沟通与管理(第6版)》适用于跨国企业管理者、跨国企业研究者以及从事或将要从事国际贸易业务的广大读者。
FRED LUTHANS is the George Holmes Distinguished Professor of Management at the University of Nebraska-Lincoin. He is also a senior research scientist with Gallup Inc. He received his BA, MBA, and PhD from the University of Iowa, where he received the Distinguished Alumni Award in 2002. While serving as an officer in the U.S. Army from 1965-1967, he taught leadership at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. He has been a visiting scholar at a number of colleges and universities and has lectured in most European and Pacific Rim countries. He has taught international management as a visiting faculty member at the universities of Bangkok, Hawaii, Henley in England, Norwegian Management School, Monash in Australia, Macau, Chemnitz in the former East Germany, and Tirana in Albania. A past president of the Academy of Management, in 1997 he received the Academys Distingished Educator Award. In 2000 he became an inaugural member of the Academys Hall of Fame for being one of the "Top Five" all-time published authors in the prestigious Academy journals. Currently, he is co-editor-in-chief of the Journal of Worm Business, editor of Organizational Dynamics, co-editor of Journal of Leadership and Organization Studies, and the author of numerous books. His book Organizational Behavior (Irwin/McGraw-Hill) is now in its 10th edition. He is one of very few management scholars who is a Fellow of the Academy of Management, the Decision Sciences Institute, and the Pan Pacific Business Association, and he has been a member of the Executive Committee for the Pan Pacific Conference since its beginning 20 years ago. This committee helps to organize the annual meeting held in Pacific Rim countries. He has been involved with some of the first empirical studies on motivation and behavioral management techniques and the analysis of managerial activities in Russia; these articles have been published in the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of World Business, and European Management Journal. Since the very beginning of the transition to a market economy in Eastern Europe, he has been actively involved in management education programs sponsored by the U.S. Agency for International Development in Albania and Macedonia, and in U.S. Information Agency programs involving the Central Asian countries of, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan. Professor Luthanss most recent international re- search involves the relationship between psychological variables and attitudes and perfor- mance of managers and entrepreneurs across cultures. He is applying his positive approach to organization behavior (POB) and authentic leadership to effective global management.
CHAPTER 1 The Meanings and Dimensions of CultureObjectives of the ChapterThe World of BnsineasWeek: Will Cokes WaterMeet Its Waterloo?The Nature of Culture,Cultural DiversityValues in CultureHofstedes Cultural DimensionsPower DistanceUncertainty AvoidanceIndividualismMasculinityIntegrating the DimensionsAttitudinal Dimensions of CultureWork Value and Attitude SimilaritiesCountry ClustersTrompenaarss Cultural DimcmionsUniversalism vs. PanicularismIndvidualism vs. CommunitarianismNeutral vs. EmotionalSpecific vs. DuffuseAchievement vs. Ascription,TimeThe EnvironmentCultural Patterns or ClustersIntegrating Culture and Management: The GLOBEProjectCulture and ManagementGLOBEs Cultural DimensionsGLOBE Country AnalysisThe World of BusinessWeek-RevisitedSummary of Key PointsKey TermsReview and Discussion QuestionsIntemet Exercise: BMW Goes National and IntemationalYou Be the International Management Consultant:A Jumping-Off PlaceCHAPTER 2 Managing Across CulturesObjectives of the ChapterThe World of BusinemWeek: Waking Up Heineken,The Strategy for Managing Across CulturesStrategic PredispositionsMeeting the ChallengeCross-Cultural Differences and SimilaritiesParochialisn and SimplificationSimilarities Across CulturesMany Differences Across CulturesCultural Differences in Selected Countries andRegionsDoing Business in ChinaDoing Business in RussiaDoing Business in IndiaDoing Business in FranceDoing Business in Arab CountriesThe World of BusinessWeek-Revisited……CHAPTER 3 Organizational Cultures and Di-versityCHAPTER 4 Cross-Cultural Communication and NegotiationEndnotesGlossary