出版时间:2008-3 出版社:人民邮电出版社 作者:查尔斯·希尔 页数:124
Charles W. L. Hill is the Hughes M. Blake Professor of International Business at theSchool of Business, University of Washington. Professor Hill received his Ph.D. from theUniversity of Manchesters Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST) in Britain.In addition to the University of Washington, he has served on the faculties of UMIST,Texas A&M University, and Michigan State University. Professor Hill has published over 40 articles in peer-reviewed academic journals, in-cluding the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Strate-gic Management Journal, and Organization Science. He has also published two college texts:one on strategic management and the other on international business. Professor Hill hasserved on the editorial boards of several academic journals, including the Strategic Man-agement Journal and Organization Science. Between 1993 and 1996 he was consulting ed-itor at the Academy of Management Review. Professor Hill teaches in the MBA, Executive MBA, Management, and Ph.D. programsat the University of Washington. He has received awards for teaching excellence in theMBA, Executive MBA, and Management programs. He has also taught customized ex-ecutive programs. Professor Hill works on a consulting basis with a number of organizations. His clientshave included ATL, Boeing, BF Goodrich, Hexcel, House of Fraser, Microsoft, SeattleCity Light, Tacoma City Light, Thompson Financial Services, and Wizards of the Coast.
CHAPTER 1 GlobalizationOpening CaseThe Globalization of Health CareIntroductionWhat Is Globalization?The Globalization of MarketsThe Globalization of ProductionThe Emergency of Global InstitutionsDrivers of GlobalizationDeclining Trade and Investment BarriersThe Role of Technological ChangeCountry Focus: Ecuadorean Valentine RosesThe Changing Demographics of the GlobalEconomyThe Changing WOrM Output and Worm Trade PictureThe Changing Foreign Direct Investment PictureThe Changing Nature of the Multinational EnterpriseManagement FocusChinas Lenovo Acquires IBMs PC OperationsThe Changing Worm OrderThe Global Economy of the 21st CenturyThe Globalization DebateAntiglobalization ProtestsGlobalization, Jobs, and IncomeGlobalization, Labor Policies, and the EnvironmentGlobalization and National SovereignCountry FocusProtesting Globalization in FranceGlobalization and the WorMs PoorManaging in the Global MarkelaceChapter SummaryCritical Thinking and Discussion QuestionsResearch TaskClosing CaseWipro Ltd-The New face of GlobalCompetitionCHAPTER 2 International Trade TheoryOpening CaseInternational Trade in Information TechnologyHardware and U.S. Economic GrowthIntroductionAn Overview of Trade TheoryThe Benefits of TradeThe Pattern of International TradeTrade Theory and Government PolicyMercantilismAbsolute AdvantageComparative AdvantageThe Gains from TradeQualifications and AssumptionsExtensions of the Ricardian ModelCountry FocusMoving U.S. White-Collar Jobs OffshoreManagement FocusFree Trade and REIHeckscher-Olin TheoryThe Leontie ParadoxThe Product Life-Cycle TheoryEvaluating the Product Lift-Cycle Theory……CHAPTER 3 The Political Economy of Interna-tional Trade
《国际贸易理论(第6版)》适用于国际贸易、工商管理以及英语专业选作教材,也可作为从事或将从事国际贸易的专业人士的参考读物。 查尔斯·希尔是华盛顿大学商学院教授,国际商务领域的前沿思考者,美国最具影响力的公共广播电台(NPR)的常邀嘉宾,波音、微软等知名大公司的管理顾问。其代表作 International Business 是国际商务领域中的权威教科书,在同类书中持续多年市场份额排名第一。自1994年问世以来,已经五次修订再版,备受全球各国经济管理院校师生和商务人士的好评。《国际贸易理论(第6版)》选自2007年第6版,涵盖了全球化、贸易理论、贸易政策工具、政府干预对国际贸易的影响等内容。《国际贸易理论(第6版)》具有如下特色:结构鲜明,注重实证检验和吸收国际贸易的最新研究成果;强调提升理论层次,尤其是对一些新的国际贸易理论,作者都作了相应的评述。文笔老道、行文流畅也是查尔斯·希尔的一大特色。《国际贸易理论(第6版)》不仅适合工商管理、国际贸易以及英语等专业先作教材,同时也可作为跨国公司及涉外企业商务人士的案头参考书。