
出版时间:2008-4  出版社:人民邮电  作者:扎克霍尔  页数:637  字数:878000  


  本书是Sun公司指定Java教程的最新版。书中除了讲解面向对象的编程概念、语言基础、类和对象、接口和继承、包、数字和字符串、异常、基本I/O、集合、并发、Swing、把程序打包到JAR文件中、applet之外,还介绍了Java Web Start、平台环境和正则表达式,同时涵盖了Java 5.0和6.0引入的新特性,比如泛型和并发、注解。附录B中还给出如何准备Java编程语言认证考试方面的内容。此外,本书配套的网上资源还包含本书的示例以及问题和练习的答案、在线Java SE指南、Java SE开发工具包(Java SE Development Kit,JDK)、相应的API规范和指导文档等。  本书既适合作为高校相关专业Java程序设计语言课程的教材,也适合各种层次的Java程序员阅读。


Chapter 1 Getting Started  The Java Technology Phenomenon   About the Java Technology   What Can Java Technology Do?   How Will Java Technology Change My Life?  The “Hello World!” Application   “Hello World!” for the NetBeans IDE   “Hello World!” for Microsoft Windows   “Hello World!” for Solaris OS and Linux  A Closer Look at the “Hello World!” Application   Source Code Comments   The HelloWorldApp Class Definition   The main Method  Common Problems (and Their Solutions)   Compiler Problems   Runtime Problems  Questions and Exercises: Getting Started Chapter 2 Object-Oriented Programming Concepts  What Is an Object?  What Is a Class?  What Is Inheritance?  What Is an Interface?  What Is a Package?  Questions and Exercises: Object-Oriented Programming Concepts  Chapter 3 Language Basics  Variables   Naming   Primitive Data Types   Arrays   Summary of Variables   Questions and Exercises: Variables  Operators   Assignment, Arithmetic, and Unary Operators   Equality, Relational, and Conditional Operators   Bitwise and Bit Shift Operators   Summary of Operators   Questions and Exercises: Operators  Expressions, Statements, and Blocks   Expressions   Statements   Blocks   Questions and Exercises: Expressions, Statements, and Blocks  Control Flow Statements   The if-then and if-then-else Statements   The switch Statement   The while and do-while Statements   The for Statement   Branching Statements   Summary of Control Flow Statements   Questions and Exercises: Control Flow Statements Chapter 4 Classes and Objects   Classes   Declaring Classes   Declaring Member Variables   Defining Methods   Providing Constructors for Your Classes  Passing Information to a Method or a Constructor  Objects   Creating Objects   Using Objects  More on Classes   Returning a Value from a Method   Using the this Keyword   Controlling Access to Members of a Class   Understanding Instance and Class Members   Initializing Fields   Summary of Creating and Using Classes and Objects   Questions and Exercises: Classes   Questions and Exercises: Objects  Nested Classes   Why Use Nested Classes?   Static Nested Classes   Inner Classes   Inner Class Example   Summary of Nested Classes   Questions and Exercises: Nested Classes  Enum Types   Questions and Exercises: Enum Types  Annotations   Documentation   Annotations Used by the Compiler   Annotation Processing   Questions and Exercises: Annotations Chapter 5 Interfaces and InheritanceChapter 6 Generics Chapter 7 Packages Chapter 8 Numbers and Strings Chapter 9 Exceptions Chapter 10 Basic I/O Chapter 11 Collections Chapter 12 Concurrency Chapter 13 Regular Expressions Chapter 14 The Platform Environment Chapter 15 Swing Chapter 16 Packaging Programs in JAR Files Chapter 17 Java Web Start Chapter 18 Applets Appendix A Java Language Keywords Appendix B Preparation for Java Programming Language Certification Index 


  “本书循序渐进地引导读者成为基础扎实、深思熟虑的Java程序员,既适合自学,也可以用于各种教学场合。”  ——Francis Glassborow,C/C++用户协会前主席  本书是Sun公司指定的Java语言入门教程,由Java语言和平台开发团队的多位成员亲自撰写。并由众多世界级JaVa专家精心审稿,有力地保证了权威性和准确性,多年来引领了一批又一批程序员步入Java殿堂。  作为最新版本,本书涵盖了Java SE 6,增加了讲述泛型、集合、Java Web Start、平台环境和正则表达式的章节,并大幅改写了线程、I/0、面向对象编程概念和语言基础等内容。本书采用久经检验的交互式教学方法,秉承了使此前各版本成为经典的各项特色,是Java程序员由入门到精通的绝佳选择。




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用户评论 (总计2条)


  •   书的内容很有条理,最重要的是它对Java语法的阐述全面而且到位。
  •   放着做摆设

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