
出版时间:2007-7  出版社:人民邮电  作者:塔哈  页数:550  字数:677000  


本书是运筹学方面的经典著作之一,为全球众多高校采用。初级篇共12章,内容包括线性规划建模、单纯形方法和灵敏度分析、对偶性和后最优分析、运输模型及其变型、网络模型、目标规划、整数线性规划、确定性动态规划、确定性库存模型、决策分析和博弈、排队系统等,并附有AMPL建模语言简介。   本书可作为经管类专业、数学专业和计算机专业本科生的教材,也可供相关研究人员参考。


Hamdy A.Taha 美国阿肯色大学荣休教授,世界知名运筹学家,曾在全球各地教和担任顾问,同时拥有非常丰富的教学研究和实践经验。他在Management Science和Operations Research等世界顶级学术刊物上发表了大量论文。


Chapter 1 What Is Operations Research?   1.1 Operations Research Models   1.2 Solving the OR Model   1.3 Queuing and Simulation Models   1.4 Art of Modeling   1.5 More Than Just Mathematics   1.6 Phases of an OR Study   1.7 About This Book   References Chapter 2 Modeling with Linear Programming   2.1 Two-Variable LP Model   2.2 Graphical LP Solution   2.3 Selected LP Applications   2.4 Computer Solution with Solver and AMPL  References Chapter 3 The Simplex Method and Sensitivity Analysis   3.1 LP Model in Equation Form   3.2 Transition from Graphical to Algebraic Solution  3.3 The Simplex Method   3.4 Artificial Starting Solution   3.5 Special Cases in the Simplex Method  3.6 Sensitivity Analysis   ReferencesChapter 4 Duality and Post-Optimal Analysis  4.1 Definition of the Dual Problem  4.2 Primal-Dual Relationships   4.3 Economic Interpretation of Duality   4.4 Additional Simplex Algorithms   4.5 Post-Optimal Analysis     ReferencesChapter 5 Transportation Model and Its Variants  5.1 Definition of the Transportation Model  5.2 Nontraditional Transportation Models  5.3 The Transportation Algorithm   5.4 The Assignment Model   5.5 The Transshipment Model   References Chapter 6 Network Models   6.1 Scope and Definition of Network Models   6.2 Minimal Spanning Tree Algorithm  6.3 Shortest-Route Problem  6.4 Maximal flow model  6.5 CPM and PERT  ReferencesChapter 7 Goal Programming  7.1 A Goal Programming Formulation   7.2 Goal Programming Algorithms  References Chapter 8 Integer Linear Programming Chapter 9 Deterministic Dynamic Programming Chapter 10 Deterministic Inventory Models Chapter 11 Decision Analysis and Games Chapter 12 Queuing SystemsAppendix A AMPL Modeling LanguageReference 




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用户评论 (总计6条)


  •   运筹学的经典之一,英语很好懂,原汁原味。
  •   通俗易懂,例题很丰富,学运筹学就这一本学好就可以了
  •   TAHA此书,非常经典。
  •   恩,挺好挺经典的一本书呢
  •   书中大量可以应用运筹来解决的实际例子,非常的好。
  •   似乎简单了点。如果你想要挑战的,那么找高级版吧。我没买,不知道好不好。知道的告诉我一声。

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