
出版时间:2007-4  出版社:人民邮电出版社  作者:拉希德  页数:834  字数:900000  


  本书是电力电子学领域的经典教材,在世界范围内具有较大影响,已被翻译成多种语言在多个国家出版,并被很多大学作为教材。本书通过对电子器件特性的说明,介绍了电路计算与电子装置设计方法,通过对各种电路的基本原理、大量实用电路设计技术经验的总结,重点介绍了电力电子学中电子电路分析与电力装置的设计原理与应用。  本书可作为电气信息类、自动化类等专业本科生教材,也可作为该领域研究生和技术人员参考书。




Chapter 1  Introduction      1.1  Applications of Power Electronics        1.1.1  History of Power Electronics      1.2  Power Semiconductor Devices         1.2.1  Power Diodes         1.2.2  Thyristors         1.2.3  Power Transistors       1.3  Control Characteristics of Power Devices       1.4  Characteristics and Specifications of Switches         1.4.1  Ideal Characteristics         1.4.2  Characteristics of Practical Devices         1.4.3  Switch Specifications         1.4.4  Device Choices       1.5  Types of Power Electronic Circuits       1.6  Design of Power Electronics Equipment       1.7  Determining the Root-Mean-Square Values of Waveforms       1.8  Peripheral Effects       1.9  Power Modules           1.10  Intelligent Modules           1.11  Power Electronics Journals and Conferences         Summary         References         Review Questions     Chapter 2  Power Semiconductor Diodes and Circuits       2.1  Introduction       2.2  Semiconductor Basics       2.3  Diode Characteristics       2.4  Reverse Recovery Characteristics       2.5  Power Diode Types         2.5.1  General-Purpose Diodes         2.5.2  Fast-Recovery Diodes         2.5.3  Schottky Diodes     2.6  Silicon Carbide Diodes       2.7  Spice Diode Model       2.8  Series-Connected Diodes       2.9  Parallel-Connected Diodes       2.10  Diodes with RC and RL Loads       2.11  Diodes with LC and RLC Loads       2.12  Freewheeling Diodes       2.13  Recovery of Trapped Energy with a Diode       Summary       References       Review Questions       Problems     Chapter 3  Diode Rectifiers       3.1  Introduction       3.2  Single-Phase Half-Wave Rectifiers       3.3  Performance Parameters       3.4  Single-Phase Full-Wave Rectifiers       3.5  Single-Phase Full-Wave Rectifier with RL Load       3.6  Multiphase Star Rectifiers       3.7  Three-Phase Bridge Rectifiers       3.8  Three-Phase Bridge Rectifier with RL Load       3.9  Comparison of Diode Rectifiers       3.10  Rectifier Circuit Design       3.11  Output Voltage with LC Filter     3.12  Effects of Source and Load Inductances         Summary         References         Review Questions         Problems     Chapter 4  Power Transistors       4.1  Introduction       4.2  Bipolar Junction Transistors         4.2.1  Steady-State Characteristics         4.2.2  Switching Characteristics         4.2.3  Switching Limits       4.3  Power MOSFETs         4.3.1  Steady-State Characteristics         4.3.2  Switching Characteristics   ……Chapter 5 DC-DC Converters Chapter 6 Pulse-Width-Modulated Inverters Chapter 7 Thyristors Chapter 8 Resonant Pulse Inverters Chapter 9 Multilevel Inverters Chapter 10 Controlled Rectifiers Chapter 11 AC Voltage Controllers Chapter 12 Static Switches Chapter 13 Flexible AC Transmission Systems Chapter 14 Power Supplies Chapter 15 DC Drives Chapter 16 AC Drives Chapter 17 Gate Drive Circuits Chapter 18 Protection of Devices and Circuits 




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