
出版时间:2007-1  出版社:人民邮电  作者:杰夫·马杜拉  页数:137  


  本系列教材主要有以下几个特点(1)教材种类丰富。本系列教材首批推出7本商务知识双语教材,组成“英语专业工商管理双语教学教材系列”,包括《管理》(Jeff Madura著)、《运营管理与创新》(David Needle著)、《市场营销》(Louis Boone & David Kurtz著)、《会计与财务管理》(Jeff Madura著)、《人力资源管理》(Jeff Madura著)、《商业伦理与社会责任》(Jeff Madura著)以及《创办新企业》(Jeff Madura著),国内同类题材教材较少。(2)版本较新。本系列教材选摘自国外最新教材,内容涵盖了相应学科的最新理念和最新的真实案例。(3)内容规范、简洁,语言难易得当,适合双语教学。本系列教材简要地概述各职能领域最重要的基本概念、基本原理和主要理论,在每本书后加入了这门学科的相关重要术语,并对术语的词头进行了中文释义。  对于商务英语类专业的双语教学来说,该系列丛书内容诚意略得当,语言准确流畅,是一套值得信赖的英语专业工商管理双语教学的系列教材。希望此系列教材能够丰富商务英语类专业的课程设置,满足广大师生的需求,同时也希望我国商务英语教育蓬勃发展!


Part1 Selcting a Form of Business Ownership1 Sole ProprietorshipCharacteristics of Successful Sole ProprietorsAdvantages of a Sole ProprietorshipDisadvantages of a Sole PropietorshipDecision Making:Deciding on the Sole Proprietor Form of Business2 PartnershipAdvantages of a PartnershipDisadvantages of a PartnershipS-CorporationsLimited Liability Company(LLC)rtnersbip Form of Business3 CorporationHow Stockbolders Earn a RetuirnPrivate versus Public CorporationsAdvantages of a CorporationDisadvantages of a CorporationComparing Forms of Business OwnershipHow Business Ownership Can ChangeDecision Making:Deciding on the Corponation Form of Business4 How Ownership Can Affect Return and RiskImpact of Ownersbip on the Return on InvestmentImpact of Ownersbip on RiskCross Functional Teamwork:Sources of Risk across Business FunctionsDecision Making:Deciding Whether to Add Partners to Reduce Risk5 Obtaining Ownership of an Existing BusinessAssuming Ownership of a Family BusinessPurchasing an Existing BusinessFranchisingSelf-Scoring Exercise:Do You Have the Skills Necessary to Succeed in Business?……Part2 Entrepreneurship and Business Planning 6 Creating a New Business7 Assessing Market Conditions8 Developing a Competitive Advantage9 Developing the Business Plan10 Risk Management by EntrepreneursPart3 Creating and Pricing Products11 Background on Products12 Identifying Target Market13 Creating New Products14 Product Differentiation15 Additional Pricing DecisionsAnswers to In-Text Study GuideGlossary



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