出版时间:2006-11 出版社:人民邮电出版社 作者:Stanley B.Lippman,Josée LaJoie,Barbara E.Moo 页数:885
“在遇到无法解决的问题时,我总会求助于C++ Primer一书。”——Bruce·Eckel,“编程思想”系列图书作者 “众所周知, C++ Primer是学习C++最理想的参考书之一,适用于各种水平的C++程序员。第4版不但保持了这种传统,而且有了很大改善。”——STEVE?VINOSKI,IONA科技公司首席工程师,CORBA与C++权威。 “《C++Primer(英文版)(第4版)》真正揭示了C++这一大型、复杂语言的本质。”——JUSTIN?SHAW,Aerospace公司电子程序部技术处资深成员 “(本书)不但使初学者迅速入门,而且是用优秀的编程实践引导他们入门。”——NEVIN?LIBER,资深工程师(自1988年起一直是C++开发者) C++诞生20年后,因其强大的功能、广泛的适用性和极高的效率,已经成为无庸置疑的主流编程语言。但是C++语言也不得不面对这样的挑战:其博大精深不仅令初学者望而生畏,而且即使是许多富于经验的老手也很难全面掌握,更有不少C++程序员一直背负着C语言的历史包袱,常常落入各种微妙难解的安全和性能陷阱。如何使现代C++理念深入人心,使C++更加容易学习和使用,已经成为众所瞩目的焦点。 《C++Primer(英文版)(第4版)》是久负盛名的C++经典教程,已经帮助全球无数程序员学会了C++。这一全新版本进行了彻底的修订,章节内容和编排都经过了重新组织,既显著改善了可读性,又充分体现了C++语言的最新进展和当前的业界最佳实践。《C++Primer》(英文版)(第4版)(图灵原版计算机科学系列)是C++大师Stan?B?Lippman丰富的实践经验和C++标准委员会原负责人Josée·Lajoie对C++标准深入理解的完美结合。新版更加入了C++先驱Barbara?E?Moo在C++教学方面的真知灼见。对C++基本概念和技术全面而且权威的阐述,对现代C++编程风格的强调,使本书不仅依然是初学者的最佳C++指南,而且即使对于中高级程序员,本书也是不可或缺的参考书。
Stanley B. Lippman,目前是微软公司 Visual C++ 团队的架构师。他从1984年开始在贝尔实验室与C++的设计者Bjarne Stroustrup一起从事C++的设计与开发。又先后在迪士尼和梦工厂从事动画制作,还担任过JPL的高级顾问。他还著有Inside the C++ Object Model。
Chapter 1 Getting Started1.1 Writing a Simple C++Program1.1.1 Compiling and Executing Our Program1.2 A First Lookat Input/Output1.2.1 Standard Input and Output Objects1.2.2 A Program that Uses the IO Library1.3 A Word About Comments1.4 Control Structures1.4.1 The while Statement1.4.2 The for Statement1.4.3 The if Statement1.4.4 Reading an Unknown Number of Inputs1.5 Introducing Classes1.5.1 The Sales_item Class1.5.2 A First Looka tMember Functions1.6 The C++ProgramChapter SummaryDefined TermsPart I The BasicsChapter 2 Variables and Basic Types2.1 Primitive Built-in Types2.1.1 Integral Types2.1.2 Floating-Point Types2.2 Literal Constants2.3 Variables2.3.1 What Is a Variable?2.3.2 The Name of a Variable2.3.3 Defining Objects2.3.4 Variable Initialization Rules2.3.5 Declarations and Definitions2.3.6 Scope of a Name2.3.7 Define Variables Where They Are Used2.4 const Qualifier2.5 References2.6 Typedef Names2.7 Enumerations2.8 Class Types2.9 Writing Our Own Header Files2.9.1 Designing Our Own Headers2.9.2 A Brief Introduction to the PreprocessorChapter SummaryDefined TermsChapter 3 Library Types3.1 Namespace using Declarations3.2 Library stringType3.2.1 Defining and Initializing strings3.2.2 Reading and Writing strings3.2.3 Operations on strings3.2.4 Dealing with the Characters of a string3.3 Library vector Type3.3.1 Defining and Initializing vectors.3.3.2 Operations on vectors3.4 Introducing Iterators3.4.1 Iterator Arithmetic3.5 Library bitset Type3.5.1 Defining and Initializing bitsets3.5.2 Operations on bitsetsChapter SummaryDefined TermsChapter 4 Arrays and Pointers4.1 Arrays4.1.1 Defining and Initializing Arrays4.1.2 Operations on Arrays4.2 Introducing Pointers4.2.1 What Is aPointer?4.2.2 Defining and Initializing Pointers4.2.3 Operationson Pointers4.2.4 Using Pointers to Access Array Elements4.2.5 Pointers and the const Qualifier4.3 C-Style Character Strings4.3.1 Dynamically Allocating Arrays4.3.2 Interfacing to Older Code4.4 Multidimensioned Arrays4.4.1 Pointers and Multidimensioned ArraysChapter SummaryDefined TermsChapter 5 Expressions5.1 Arithmetic Operators5.2 Relational and Logical Operators5.3 The Bitwise Operators5.3.1 Using bitset Objectsor Integral Values5.3.2 Using the Shift Operators for IO5.4 Assignment Operators5.4.1 Assignment Is Right Associative5.4.2 Assignment Has Low Precedence5.4.3 Compound Assignment Operators5.5 Increment and Decrement Operators5.6 The Arrow Operator5.7 The Conditional Operator5.8 The size of Operator5.9 Comma Operator5.10 Evaluating Compound Expressions5.10.1 Precedence5.10.2 Associativity5.10.3 Order of Evaluation5.11 The new and delete Expressions5.12 Type Conversions5.12.1 When Implicit Type Conversions Occur5.12.2 The Arithmetic Conversions5.12.3 Other Implicit Conversions5.12.4 Explicit Conversions5.12.5 When Casts Might Be Useful5.12.6 Named Casts5.12.7 Old-StyleCastsChapter SummaryDefined TermsChapter 6 Statements6.1 Simple Statements6.2 Declaration Statements6.3 Compound Statements (Blocks)6.4 Statement Scope6.5 The if Statement6.5.1 The if Statement else Branch6.6 The switch Statement6.6.1 Using a switch6.6.2 Control Flow within a switch6.6.3 The default Label6.6.4 switch Expression and CaseLabels6.6.5 Variable Definitions inside a switch6.7 The while Statement6.8 The forLoop Statement6.8.1 Omitting Parts of the for Header6.8.2 Multiple Definitions in the for Header6.9 The do while Statement6.10 The break Statement6.11 The continue Statement6.12 The goto Statement6.13 try Blocks and Exception Handling6.13.1 A throw Expression6.13.2 The try Block6.13.3 Standard Exceptions6.14 Using the Preprocessor for DebuggingChapter SummaryDefined TermsChapter 7 FunctionsChapter 8 The IO LibraryPart II Containers and AlgorithmsChapter 9 Sequential ContainersChapter 10 Associative ContainersChapter 11 Generic AlgorithmsPart III Classes and Data AbstractionChapter 12 ClassesChapter 13 Copy ControlChapter 14 Overloaded Operations and ConversionsPart Ⅳ Object-Oriented and Generic ProgrammingChapter 15 Object-Oriented ProgrammingChapter 16 Templates and Generic ProgrammingPart Ⅴ Advanced TopicsChapter 17 Tools for Large ProgramsChapter 18 Specialized Tools and TechniquesAppendixA The LibraryIndex