
出版时间:2006-8  出版社:人民邮电出版社  作者:马斯卡尔  页数:159  字数:180000  


  Best Practice is a two-level business English course designed for use by both pre-work students and those already working. It uses realistic, international contexts to train learners in the English needed for both the professional and personal sides of modern business life.    Short two-page modules get straight to the point, building up basic language quickly and efficiently.    A wide variety of business situations provide motivating contexts for low-level learners.    Separate sections on writing, vocabulary-building, and grammar allow the teacher to tailor the course to tailor the course to students' needs.    Extensive presentation and practice of telephoning language and e-mail writing tasks expressly build skills essential in today's global environment.    Available on CD or Cassette, the accompanying audio program focuses on international English, using British, American, and non-native accents.    Comprehensive teacher support materials include Exam View Pro test generating software and test bank, which allow teachers to create, customize, and correct tests quickly and easily.


MODULE 1 INTRODUCTIONS  1 Where are you from?  2 I'm a desiger  3 How many showrooms?  4 We make cars  5 She goes to Spain  6 How do you relax  Review 1-6MODULE 2 SPLASH POOLS  7 We get a lot of visitors  8 Turn left at the lights  9 Can I help you?  10 I'm buying a house  11 What's Sven doing  12 The truck's leaving now  Review 6-12MODULE 3 MACPHERSON DESIGNS  13 I work from home  14 We're arriving on Moday  15 Can we order,please?  16 Idecided to move to France  17 Did you get my message?  18 Where did you go?  Review 13-18MODULE 4 SUPERSPORTMODULE 5 MIMOSA CARSMODULE 6 WRITING RESOURCEVocabular buiderGrammar overviewAudio script Answer keyStudent B material




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用户评论 (总计13条)


  •   书已收到,送货挺快。新东方指定教材,学习中
  •   比书店的便宜,这里面还是正版的。
  •   这个商品不错买了新东方的课,被指定的教材。还没看。
  •   挺好的挺好挺好的挺好
  •   挺好的 挺好的 挺好的 挺好的
  •   朋友推荐,还没看,希望对自己有所帮助。
  •   发货速度挺快,第一天订的,第二天就到了
  •   此书是我在新东方网校上面看到的,感觉好像非常的好,所以就把它拿下来了
  •   老师推荐买的 的确不错 但是这个配套DVD还要单独买 当当没有货 淘宝也搜不到,彻底无语............
  •   总体不错,就是纸质不太好,感觉很脏
  •   书不错对我很有帮助,可是怎么没有光盘呢,怎么听呀
  •   对书本很满意,只是对服务很不满意,速递员态度极其不好,速递速度很慢,导致我现在心情都不好,不满意不满意
  •   都没有mp3,看书都不知道单词读的对不对,,只有听力题,没有听力,题目怎么做啊,买了一本没用书

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