
出版时间:2006-5  出版社:人民邮电出版社  作者:科汉  页数:539  字数:675000  


本书主要讲解如何用C语言编程。书中涵盖了C语言的所有特性,包括ANSI C99标准最新增加的特性。本书通过示例讲解C语言,使用完整的程序来阐释每个新概念,而且对所有C函数都提供了一步一步的说明。此外,每章结尾都配有习题,附录还提供了详细的C语言的小结和标准C语言库,便于快速参考。读者既可从本书中学到语言的基础,又可以学到好的编程实践。      无论是课堂讲解还是自学,本书都是理想的C语言教材。


Stephen G. Kochan有20多年使用C语言进行软件开发的经验,是多本畅销的C语言和Unix方面经典图书的作者,包括Programming in ANSI C、Topics in C Program-ming、Exploring the Unix System、Unix Shell Programming 和Unix System Security,最近还出版了Programming in Obje


1 Introduction 2 Some Fundamentals   Programming   Higher-Level Languages    Operating Systems    Compiling Programs    Integrated Development Environments    Language Interpreters 3 Compiling and Running Your First Program    Compiling Your Program    Running Your Program    Understanding Your First Program    Displaying the Values of Variables    Comments   Exercises  4 Variables, Data Types, and Arithmeti Expressions   Working with Variables   Understanding Data Types and Constants     The Basic Integer Type int     The Floating Number Type float     The Extended Precision Type double      The Single Character Type char     The Boolean Data Type  Bool      Type Specifiers: long, long long, short,unsigned,and signed    Working with Arithmetic Expressions      Integer Arithmetic and the Unary Minus Operator     The Modulus Operator      Integer and Floating-Point Conversions     Combining Operations with Assignment: The Assignment Operators    Types, Complex and Imaginary      Exercises  5 Program Looping    The for Statement     Relational Operators     Aligning Output      Program Input      Nested for Loops      for Loop Variants    The while Statement   The do Statement      The break Statement      The continue Statement    Exercises  6 Making Decisions    The if Statement      The if-else Construct     Compound Relational Tests     Nested if Statements      The else if Construct   The switch Statement    Boolean Variables  The Conditional Operator    Exercises 7 Working with Arrays   Defining an Array   Initializing Arrays    Character Arrays   Multidimensional Arrays    Variable-Length Arrays    Exercises  8 Working with Functions9 Working with Structures  10 Character Strings 11 Pointers 12 Operations on Bits  13 The Preprocessor14 More on Data Types  15 Working with Larger Programs  16 Input and Output Operations in C  17 Miscellaneous and Advanced Features  18 Debugging Programs 19 Object-Oriented Programming A C Language Summary B The Standard C LibraryC Compiling Programs with gcc D Common Programming Mistakes E Resources




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用户评论 (总计7条)


  •   挺好的.很适合初学者
  •   Awonderfulbookforbeginners.
  •   经典教程。北大本科生在用。不错。作者比较有经验,而且讲解的详细(语言书生动不到哪里去的其实)
  •   这本书到底怎么样啊?我买错了,本来想买cprogamminglauguage结果是这本书。不过听楼上的评论还不错。有读过的介绍下啊
  •   尽管是二手书,但不妨碍阅读。这本书通俗易懂,做入门教程应该不错。就是没有相应的课件,做教材需要自己编写课件,比较费时,一共19章,看到了第5章,内容本身比较简单,希望能坚持看完对我来说的第一本英文书
  •   不过印刷质量比较差。还建议c modern approach 和 the c programming
  •   好书一本,可是我看一页要翻译半天

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