出版时间:2005-10 出版社:人民邮电 作者:(美)霍恩,(美)约翰逊 著 页数:592 字数:813000
本书在《矩阵分析 卷1》基础之上,详尽叙述了卷1未能包括的又具有极高应用价值的论题。这些论题包括:值域、稳定矩阵和惯性、奇异值、矩阵议程和kronecker乘积、Hadamard乘积、矩阵和函数。 本书可作为数学及工程领域的研究生和研究人员的深入学习矩阵理论的教科书或参考书。
Roger A.Horn 线性代数和矩阵理论领域国际知名权威。1967年获得斯坦福大学数学博士,1972-1979年任约翰·霍普金斯大学数学系系主任,现为犹他大学教授。曾担任AMERICAN MATHE-MATICAL MONTHLY编辑。
Charles R.Johnson线性代数和矩阵理论领域国际知名权威。现为威廉
Chapter 1 The field of values 11.0 Introduction 11.1 Definitions 51.2 Basic properties of the field of values 81.3 Convexity 171.4 Axiomatization 281.5 Location of the field of values 301.6 Geometry 481.7 Products of matrices 651.8 Generalizations of the field of values 77Chapter 2 Stable matrices and inertia 892.0 Motivation 892.1 Definitions and elementary observations 912.2 Lyapunov's theorem 952.3 The Routh-Hurwitz conditions 1012.4 Generalizations of Lyapunov's theorem 1022.5 M-matrices, P-matrices, and related topics 112Chapter 3 Singular value inequalities 1343.0 Introduction and historical remarks 1343.1 The singular value decomposition 1443.2 Weak majorization and doubly substochastic matrices 1633.3 Basic inequalities for singular values and eigenvalues 1703.4 Sums of singular values: the Ky Fan k-norms 1953.5 Singular values and unitarily invariant norms 2033.6 Sufficiency of Weyl's product inequalities 2173.7 Inclusion intervals for singular values 2233.8 Singular value weak majorization for bilinear products 231Chapter 4 Matrix equations and the Kronecker product 2394.0 Motivation 2394.1 Matrix equations 2414.2 The Kronecker product 2424.3 Linear matrix equations and Kronecker products 2544.4 Kronecker sums and the equation AX + XB = C 2684.5 Additive and multiplicative commutators and linear preservers 288Chapter 5 The Hadamard product 2985.0 Introduction 2985.1 Some basic observations 3045.2 The Schur product theorem 3085.3 Generalizations of the Schur product theorem 3125.4 The matrices A o (A-1) T and A o A-1 3225.5 Inequalities for Hadamard products of general matrices: an overview 3325.6 Singular values of a Hadamard product: a fundamental inequality 3495.7 Hadamard products involving nonnegative matrices and M-matrices 356Chapter 6 Matrices and functions 3826.0 Introduction 3826.1 Polynomial matrix functions and interpolation 3836.2 Nonpolynomial matrix functions 4076.3 Hadamard matrix functions 4496.4 Square roots, logarithms, nonlinear matrix equations 4596.5 Matrices of functions 4906.6 A chain rule for functions of a matrix 520Hints for problems 561References 572Notation 575Index 580