
出版时间:2005-9  出版社:人民邮电出版社  作者:王凤岭  页数:195  字数:306000  


本书共分6章和1个附录。第1章介绍计算机基础知识,包括计算机系统、发展及组成元件等。第2章是计算机硬件知识,重点介绍计算机的中央处理器和存储器。第3章是操作系统和应用软件,涵盖了流行软件的使用、软件中多种控件功能的介绍及软件的安装、调试和配置等。第4章是数据库管理软件,包括SQL语言、Visual FoxPro 6.0和SQL Server 2000等相关文章。第5章是计算机网络技术和网页制作,介绍如何组织局域网以及网页制作的相关知识等。第6章介绍电脑动画设计及图形图像处理,包括Photoshop 8.0、3ds max。每章课后配有同一主题的阅读理解短文2~3篇及综合练习、常用短语和名词术语注释及生词表等。附录中收录了本书涵盖的所有计算机专业词汇并对其给予专业的翻译。在选读文章中介绍了当今计算机专业最前沿的知识,包括电子商务、多媒体技术、人工智能以及虚拟现实技术等。   本书适合全国高职高专院校计算机类专业学生使用,也作为从事计算机及其他相关IT技术行业的人员或爱好者的参考工具书。


Chapter I Introduction and Development of Computer  Section I The Computer System   Text   Key Words   Syntax   Exercises   Translations  Section II Evolution of Computers   Text   Key Words   Syntax   Exercises   Translations  Section III System Components of Computers   Text   Key Words   Syntax   Exercises   Translations  Reading Materials   Passage I Type of Computers   Passage II The Binary Number System Chapter II Hardware Components  Section I The Central Processing Unit   Text   Key Words   Syntax   Exercises   Translations  Section II Introduction of Memory   Text   Key Words   Syntax   Exercises   Translations  Section III Input/Output Devices   Text   Key Words   Syntax   Exercises   Translations  Reading Materials   Passage I Monitor and LCD Monitor   Passage II V Modem Standard Chapter III The Operating System  Section I Summary of Operating System   Text   Key Words   Syntax   Exercises   Translations  Section II DOS   Text   Key Words   Syntax   Exercises   Translations  Section III Windows   Text   Key Words   Syntax   Exercises   Translations  Reading Materials   Passage I Windows XP Professional Overview   Passage II Red Hat Enterprise Linux Chapter IV Introduction of Database Management Software  Section I Summary of Database   Text   Key Words   Syntax   Exercises   Translations  Section II Introduction of Visual FoxPro .   Text   Key Words   Syntax   Exercises   Translations  Section III SQL Server    Text   Key Words   Syntax   Exercises   Translations  Reading Materials   Passage I Frequently Asked Questions about Visual FoxPro .   Passage II Introduction to Microsoft Access Chapter V Network Technology and Web Design Tools  Section I Internet Protocols   Text   Key Words   Syntax   Exercises   Translations  Section II Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)   Text   Key Words   Syntax   Exercises   Translations  Section III Macromedia Dreamweaver MX    Text   Key Words   Syntax   Exercises   Translations  Reading Materials   Passage I Ethernet Technologies   Passage II Macromedia Flash MX  At a Glance Chapter VI Graph and Image Processing and Animation Design  Section I Photoshop   Text   Key Words   Syntax   Exercises   Translations  Section II ds max   Text   Key Words   Syntax   Exercises   Translations  Section III The Image Transformed and Image Technology   Text   Key Words   Syntax   Exercises   Translations  Reading Materials   Passage I A Study on Construction for Evaluation Indicators of Interior Design 3D Computer Graphic inVocational   Passage II Image Processing and Computer Graphics Appendix Vocabulary Bibliography 



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  •   速度满意,就是书看起来不像正版的。

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