
出版时间:2005-8  出版社:人民邮电出版社  作者:斯威尼  页数:155  字数:256000  




IntroductionModule 1 Cultural diversity and socializing Uint 1 Building a reationship  Cross-cultural understanding(1)  Welcoming vistors  Small talk:keeping the conversation going Uint 2 Cultrue and entertainment  Cross-cultural understanding(2)   Inviting,and accepting or declining  Eating outModule 2 Using the telephone Uint 3 Could I leave a message?  Preparing to make a telephon call   Receiving calls  Taking and leaving messages  Asking for and giv ing repetition  The secretarial barrier Uint 4 Good to hear from you again!…… Uint 5 Unfortunately there's a problemModule 3 Presentations Uint 6 Planning and getting started Uint 7 Image,impact and making an impression Uint 8 The middle of the presentation Uint 9 The end is near…this is the endModule 4 Meetings Uint 10 Making meetings effertive Uint 11 sorry to interrupt,but Uint 12 What do you mean by Module 6 Negotiations Uint 13 Know what you want Uint 14 Getting what you can Uint 15 Not getting what you don't wantFile cards 1A to 19AFile cards 1B to 19BFile cards 20 to 33



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  •   适合学生学习口语
  •   比较实用的英语教程,适合自学!
  •   当当老不卖这本书的配套牒,学得很郁闷
  •   很好,很實用
  •   书挺好,就是送的速度慢
  •   这本书很好,很实用,不过我没看见Transcripts和答案,不知是不是在教室用书那里有。还有,这个是不包括CD的,还要另外买。
  •   这本书全部是英文的,汉语几乎没有,配套的光盘是没有相应的英文原文的,所以这本书适合英语水平较高的人群,初学者不易选购!
  •   总体感觉还好,有点简单

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