出版时间:2004-11 出版社:人民邮电出版社 作者:彼得・哈里斯 页数:214
心理学实验在心理学科的发展进程中具有不可替代的作用。而心理学研究报告(或论文)是心理学研究成果最重要的表达形式之一。心理学研究报告的撰写既涉及与研究课题的理论背景、研究假设等相关的科学知识,又涉及与实验设计、统计相关的实验结构知识和与心理学科技论文写作规范相关的知识。这种论文撰写能力的形成和提升尚需要一个不断训练、不断实践的过程。就我国高等院校的心理学专业目前所开设的诸如:普通心理学、认知心理学、实验心理学、心理统计等专业基础课程而言,似无法独立完成对学生的这种综合训练,因此有必要开设相应的课程或专题。 《心理学实验的设计与报告》语言简练、易读易懂,对学生在撰写研究报告过程中所遇到的实际问题给出了操作性很强的指导,可作为我国高等院校心理学专业学生(包括本科生和研究生)的教材或教学参考书,也可作为心理学工作者撰写心理学研究报告(或论文)的参考手册。
PrefaceTo studentsHow to use this bookTo tutorsPart 1 Writing experimental reports1 Some preliminaries1.1 Experienced students, inexperienced students and the report1.2 Writing the repor1.3 The importance of referencing in the text1.4 The report as a research instrument1.5 Finding things to write about: how to get more references1.6 Experimental ethics2 The INTRODUCTION section2.1 The first part of the INTRODUCTION: reviewing the background to your study2.2 Inexperienced students, experienced students and the INTRODUCTION2.3 Your own study3 The METHODcsection3.1 The DESIGN subsection3.2 The PARTICIPANTS subsection3.3 The APPARATUS or MATERIALS subsection3.4 The PROCEDURE subsection3.5 Interacting with and instructing participants3.6 Optional additional subsections of the METHOD4 The RESULTS section4.1 Describing the data4.2 Analysing the data4.3 An example RESULTS section4.4 Mistakes to avoid in the RESULTS section4.5 Rejecting or not rejecting the null hypothesis4.6 Reporting specific statistics5 The DISCUSSION section5.1 How well do the findings fit the predictions?5.2 What do the findings mean?5.3 What are the implications of these findings? 5.4 What to do when you've been unable to analyse your data properly55.5 External validity:the generalizability of findings5.6 Some tips to help you to avoid some common failings in the DISCUSSION5.7 Two example DISCUSSION sections6 The TITLE and ABSTRACT6.1 The TITLE6.2 The ABSTRACT7 References and appendices7.1 The REFERENCES section7.2 General rules for the REFERENCES section7.3 Citing specific types of reference7.4 Citing electronic and online sources7.5 Appendices8 Producing the final version of the reportPart 2 Designing experiments9 Experimenting in psychology10 Experimental design I11 Statistics:significance testing12 Statistics:effect size and power13 Experimental design IICommentaryRecommended readingAnswers to SAQsReferences