
出版时间:2004-1  出版社:人民邮电  作者:葛丽  页数:210  字数:329000  




Unit 1	About Computer	1  Text 1	Can You Recognize Them?	1  Text 2	Communicate with Computer	4  Text 3	Simple Introduction of Installation	7  Text 4	Simple Introduction of Processor	11Unit 2	More about Computer	19  Text 1	Guess What It is	19  Text 2	What does a Computer Look Like?	21  Text 3	Introduction of a Window	24  Text 4	Learning Computer Knowledge All by Yourself	28Unit 3	Brief Introduction of Computer	33  Text 1	Do You have a Computer?	33  Text 2	Components of Computer	38  Text 3	Kinds of Computers	41  Text 4	Generations of Electronic Computer	46Unit 4	The Fundamentals of Computer Hardware	53  Text 1	Organization of Computer System Components	53  Text 2	CPU	56  Text 3	Motherboard	61  Text 4	Storage	65Unit 5	Office Automation	70  Text 1	Fundamentals of Office Automation	70  Text 2	Microsoft Office 2000	75  Text 3	Microsoft Word 2000	80  Text 4	Electronic Commerce	85Unit 6	Multimedia	94  Text 1	What is Multimedia?	94  Text 2	Uses for Multimedia	97  Text 3	Digital Video	101Unit 7	The Fundamentals of Computer Software	110  Text 1	Data Structure	110  Text 2	Operating Systems	114  Text 3	Windows 2000 Overview	118Unit 8	Computer Networking	126  Text 1	Data Communications	126  Text 2	Architecture of Computer Networks	129  Text 3	Local Area Network	134  Text 4	Internet	139  Text 5	The World Wide Web	143Unit 9	Computer Virus	152  Text 1	Virus Introduction	152  Text 2	Virus Behavior - Infection Phase	154  Text 3	Virus Behavior-Attack Phase	158  Text 4	Number of Viruses	161  Text 5	How Serious are Viruses?	165Unit 10	Program Design	172  Text 1	Computer Languages	172  Text 2	Computer programming	175  Text 3	Visual Basic	179  Text 4	Debugging	184Appendix: Word List	193



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