Java 2学习指南

出版时间:2003-8  出版社:人民邮电出版社  作者:(美)西尔拉,(美)贝茨 编著  页数:711  字数:1051000  


本书以Java 2的SCJP和SCJD认证考试为目标,内容涵盖了SCJP和SCJD核心考试的所有考试要点,尽可能详细地介绍了参加SCJP和SCJD的应试者以及其他高级用户所应该掌握的所有技能。   本书在介绍考试要点时针对每个考试目标,使用了大量的插图、表格、试验、测试等,使读者在牢固掌握知识点的同时,轻松地获得丰富的实践经验。   本书由具有丰富SCJP和SCJD考试经验的专家编写,是参加SCJP和SCJD的考试人员的必备考试教材。本书也是一本学习使用Java 2的很好的参考书,还可以作为一些疑难问题的速查手册。


Part I The Programmer's Exam  1 Language Fundamentals   Java Programming Language Keywords (Exam Objective 4.4)    Access Modifiers    Class, Method, and Variable Modifiers    Flow Control    Error Handling    Package Control    Primitives    Variable Keywords    Void Return Type Keyword    Unused Reserved Words      Literals and Ranges of All Primitive Data Types (Exam Objective 4.6) 10   Range of Primitive Types    Literal Values for All Primitive Types    Literal Values for Strings      Array Declaration, Construction, and Initialization (Exam Objective 1.1)    Declaring an Array    Constructing an Array    Initializing an Array      Using a Variable or Array Element That Is Uninitialized and Unassigned (Exam Objective 4.5)    Primitive and Object Type Instance Variables    Local (Stack, Automatic) Primitives and Objects      Command-Line Arguments to Main (Exam Objective 4.3)    Exercise 1-1: Creating a Program That Outputs Command-Line Arguments      (Two-Minute Drill    Q&A   Self Test    Self Test Answers    Exercise Answers  2 Declarations and Access Control      Declarations and Modifiers (Exam Objective 1.2)    Class Declarations and Modifiers    Exercise 2-1: Creating an Abstract Superclass and Concrete Subclass    Method and Variable Declarations and Modifiers      Declaration Rules (Exam Objective 4.1)    Source Files, Package Declarations, and Import Statements    Formatting the Main() Method      Interface Implementation (Exam Objective 4.2)    Declaring an Interface    Declaring Interface Constants    Implementing an Interface      Two-Minute Drill    Q&A   Self Test    Self Test Answers  3 Operators and Assignments      Java Operators (Exam Objective 5.1)    Assignment Operators    Comparison Operators    instanceof Comparison    Equality Operators    Arithmetic Operators    Shift Operators  4 Flow Control, Exceptions, and Assertions  5 Object Orientation, Overloading and Overriding, Constructors, and Return Types  6 Java.lang-The Math Class, Strings, and Wrappers  7 Objects and Collections 8 Inner Classes  9 Threads Part II The Developer's Exam  10 Introduction to the SCJD  11 Coding Standards 573 12 Clarity and Maintainability  13 Designing the Graphical User Interface  14 Networking Issues  15 Database Issues 16 Exam Documentation  17 Final Submission and Essay A About the CDGlossary Index 



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