
出版时间:2003-1  出版社:人民邮电出版社  作者:[美] 瓦哈兰  页数:601  字数:836000  


本书提供了最新和最全面的UNIX系统技术内幕资料。全书讨论了UNIX的开发技术和原理,考察了现代UNIX系统的最新发展,比较分析了由最重要的UNIX系统和变体所提供的最新特性。本书涵盖的内容包括体现了20世纪90年代UNIX系统结构特色的多项技术:多线程内核、多处理机和实时系统,以及分布式文件系统。本书还讨论了内核的几个重要组成部分,比较了它们在几种不同UNIX变体中的设计,论述了其间的诸多权衡考虑,并且介绍了已被广泛采用的那些特性。    本书可作为大学计算机科学系高年级本科生和研究生的教材或参考书。本书也为专业UNIX程序员、系统管理员提供了极有价值的参考资料。


Uresh Vahalia曾为几种UNIX变体开发过内核中的子系统。他在许多大学、企业里,以及会议上讲授过UNIX内核技术。目前他正在为EMC公司开发高性能的文件和视频服务器。


1  INTRODUCTION  1.1  Introduction  1.2  Th Mandate for Change  1.3  Looking Back, Looking Forward  1.4  The Scope of this Book  1.5  References2  THE PROCESS AND THE KERNEL  2.1  Introduction  2.2  Mode, Space, and Context  2.3  The Process Abstraction  2.4  Executing in Kernel Mode  2.5  Synchronization  2.6  Process Scheduling  2.7  Signals  2.8  New Processes and Programs  2.9  Summary  2.10  Exercises  2.11  References3  THREADS AND LIGHTWEIGHT PROCESSES  3.1  Introduction  3.2  Fundamental Abstractions  3.3  Lightweight Process Design--Issues to Consider  3.4  User-Level Threads Libraries  3.5  Scheduler Activations  3.6  Multithreading in Solarie and SVR4  3.7  Threads in Mach  3.8  Digital UNIX  3.9  Mach 3.0 Continuations  3.10  Summary  3.11  Exercises  3.12  References4   SIGNALS AND SESSION MANAGEMENT  4.1  Introduction  4.2  Signal Generation and Handling  4.3  Unreliable Signals  4.4  Reliable Signals  4.5   Signals in SVR4  4.6  Signals Implementation  4.7  Exceptions  4.8  Mach Exception Handling  4.9  Process Groups and Terminal Management  4.10  The SVR4 Sessions Architecture  4.11  Summary  4.12  Exercises  4.13  References5  PROCESS SCHEDULING  5.1  Introduction  5.2  Clock Interrupt Handling  5.3  Scheduler Goals  5.4  Traditional UNIX Scheduling  5.5  The SVR4 Scheduler  5.6  Solaris 2.x Scheduling Enhancements  5.7  Scheduling in Mach  5.8  The Digital UNIX Real-Time Scheduler  5.9  Other Scheduling Implementations  5.10  Summary  5.11  Exercises  5.12  References6  INTERPROCESS COMMUNICATIONS  6.1  Introduction  6.2  Universal IPC Facilities  6.3  System V IPC  6.4  Mach IPC  6.5  Messages  6.6  Ports  6.7  Message Passing  6.8  Port Operations  6.9  Extensibility  6.10  Mach 3.0 Enhancements  6.11  Discussion  6.12  Summary  6.13  Exercises  6.14  References7  SYNCHRONIZATION AND MULTIPROCESSING  7.1  Introduction  7.2  Synchronization in Traditional UNIX Kernels  7.3  Multiprocessor Systems  7.4  Multiprocessor Synchronization Issues  7.5  Semaphores  7.6  Spin Locks  7.7  Condition Variables  7.8  Resd-Writs Locks  7.9  Reference Counts  7.10  Other Considerations  7.11  Case Studies  7.12  Summary  7.13  Exercises  7.14  References8  FILE SYSTEM INTERFACE AND FRAMEWORK  8.1  Introduction  8.2  The User Interface to Files  8.3  File Systems  8.4  Special Files  8.5  File System Framework  8.6  The Vnode/Vfs Architecture  8.7  Implementation Overview  8.8  File-System-Dependent Objects  8.9  Mounting a File System  8.10  Operations on Files  8.11  Analysis  8.12  Summary  8.13  Exercises  8.14  References9  FILE SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATIONS  9.1  Introduction  9.2  The System V File System (s5fs)  9.3  S5fs Kernel Organization  9.4  Analysis of s5fs  9.5  The Berkeley Fast File System  9.6  Hard Disk Structure  9.7  On-Disk Organization  9.8  FFS Functionality Enhancements  9.9  Analysis  9.10  Temporary File Systems  9.11  Special-Purpose File Systems  9.12  The Old Buffer Cache  9.13  Summary  9.14  Exercises  9.15  References10  DISTRIBUTED FILE SYSTEMS  10.1  Introduction  10.2  General Characteristics of Distributed File Systems  10.3  Network File System (NFS)  10.4  The Protocol Suite  10.5  NFS Implementation  10.6  UNIX Semantics  10.7  NFS Performance  10.8  Dedicated NFS Servers  10.9  NFS Security  10.10  NFS Version 3  10.11  Remote File Sharing (RFS)  10.12  RFS Architecture  10.13  RFS Implementation  10.14  Client-Side Caching  10.15  The Andrew File System  10.16  AFS Implementation  10.17  AFS Shortcomings  10.18  The DCE Distributed File System (DCE DFS)  10.19  Summary  10.20  Exercises  10.21  References11  ADVANCED FILE SYSTEMS  11.1  Introduction  11.2  Limitations of Traditional File Systems  11.3  File System Clustering (Sun-FFS)  11.4  The Journaling Approach  11.5  Log-Structured File Systems  1l.6  The 4.4BSD Log-Structured File System  11.7  Metedata Logging  11.8  The Episode File System  11.9  Watchdogs  11.10 The 4.4BSD Portal File System  11.11 Stackable File System Layers  11.12  The 4.4BSD File System Interface  11.13  Summary  11.14  Exercises  11.15  References12  KERNEL MEMORY ALLOCATION  12.1  Introduction  12.2  Functional Requirements  12.3  Resource Map Allocator  12.4  Simple Power-of-Two Free Lists  12.5  The McKusick-Karels Allocator  12.6  The Buddy System  12.7  The SVR4 Lazy Buddy Algorithm  12.8  The Mach-OSF/1 Zone Allocator  12.9  A Hierarchical Allocator for Multiprocessors  12.10  The Solaris 2.4 Slab Allocator  12.11  Summary  12.12  Exercises  12.13  References13  VIRTUAL MEMORY  13.1  Introduction  13.2  Demand Paging  13.3  Hardware Requirements  13.4  4.3BSD- A Case Study  13.5  4.3BSD Memory Management Operations  13.6  Analysis  13.7  Exercises  13.8  References14  THE SVR4 VM ARCHITECTURE  14.1  Motivation  14.2  Memory-Mapped Files  14.3  VM Design Principles  14.4  Fundamental Abstractions  14.5  Segment Drivers  14.6  The Swap Layer  14.7  VM Operations  14.8  Interaction with the Vnode Subsystem  14.9  Virtual Swap Space in Solaris  14.10  Analysis  14.11  Performance Improvements  14.12  Summary  14.13  Exercises  14.14  References15  MORE MEMORY MANAGEMENT TOPICS  15.1  Introduction  15.2  Mach Memory Management Design  15.3  Memory Sharing Facilities  15.4  Memory Objects and Pagers  15.5  External and Internal Pagers  15.6  Page Replacement  15.7  Analysis  15.8  Memory Management in 4.4BSD  15.9  Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB) Consistency  15.10  TLB Shootdown in Mach  15.11  TLB Consistency in SVR4 and SVR4.2 UNIX  15.12  Other TLB Consistency Algorithms  15.13  Virtually Addressed Caches  15.14  Exercises  15.15  References16  DEVICE DRIVERS AND I/O  16.1   Introduction  16.2  Overview  16.3  Device Driver Framework  16.4  The I/O Subsystem  16.5  The poll System Call  16.6  Block I/O  16.7  The DDI/DKI Specification  16.8  Newer SVR4 Releases  16.9  Future Directions  16.10  Summary  16.11  Exercises  16.12  References17  STREAMS  17.1  Motivation  17.2  Overview  17.3  Messages and Queues  17.4  Stream I/O  17.5  Configuration and Setup  17.6  STREAMS ioctls  17.7  Memory Allocation  17.8  Multiplexing  17.9  FIFOs and Pipes  17.10  Networking Interfaces  17.11  Summary  17.12  Exercises  17.13  ReferencesIndex


  “Vahalia在本书中对各种UNIX系统进行了独到全面的对比剖析。”  ——Peter H.Salus,Computing Systems杂志执行编辑  “本书为任何需要了解UNIX操作系统各种变体之区别的人士所必备。”  ——Margo Seltzer,哈佛大学  本书提供了最新和最全面的UNIX系统技术内幕资料。本书为专业的UNIX程序员、系统管理员和计算机科学系学生编写,它深入讨论了UNIX的开发技术和原理,而且非常易于学习参考。本书涵盖的内容包括体现了20世纪90年代UNIX系统结构特色的多项技术:多线程内核、多处理机和实时系统以及分布式文件系统。  本书考察了现代UNIX系统的最新发展,比较分析了由最重要的UNIX系统和变体所提供的最新特性,这些系统包括:SVR4.x\Solaris和SunOS、Digital UNIX、4.4 BSD、 Mach和OSF/1。  作者在书中讨论了内核的几个重要组成部分,比较了它们在几种不同UNIX变体中的设计,论述了其间的诸多权衡考虑,并且介绍了已被广泛采用的那些特性。本书通过突出强调实用性,对实现细节进行了详尽的阐述。UNIX爱好者不应该错过本书。  Uresh Vahalia曾为几种UNIX变体开发过内核中的子系统。他在许多大学,企业里,以及会议上讲授过UNIX内核技术。目前他正在为EMC公司开发高性能的文件和视频服务器。




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