
出版时间:2003-4  出版社:人民邮电  作者:Catherine Paquet  页数:652  字数:946000  


基于同名的Cisco全球培训课程,“组建Cisco远程接入网络”一书将教你如何利用Cisco公司的产品来设计、配置、维护和扩展远程接入网络。本书帮助你启用从小型办公室、家庭办公室或远程办公者场点到公司网络中心的按需连接,并增强其性能。本书分为6个主要部分:远程接入网简介、根据需求选择Cisco的远程接入解决方案、启用到网络中心的按需连接、增强按需连接、启用到网络中心的固定连接和扩展远程接入网络。    “组建Cisco远程接入网络”为在远程接入网络方面的工作应用提供了详细和简明的解决方案,配置举例展示了管理和故障排除技术,按步骤列出的配置和故障排除列表帮助你逐步掌握远程接入网络的组建和管理,深入的讨论将教你如何维护和扩展一个远程网络。最后,每章结尾的复习题可以帮助你评估对主要概念的理解,并且让你开始踏上获得CCNP证书的道路。


Chapter Introduction   Part I: Introduction to Remote Access Networks   Part II: Identifying Cisco Solutions to Remote Access Needs   Part III: Enabling On-Demand Connections to the Central Site   Part IV: Enhancing On-Demand Connectivity   Part V: Enabling Permanent Connections to the Central Site   Part VI: Scaling Remote Access Networks   Appendixes    Case Studies and Review Questions   Who Should Read this Book?   Conventions Used in this Book   Illustration Iconography   Command Syntax Conventions   Author’s Notes, Key Concepts, Notes, and Warnings Chapter 2  Selecting Cisco Products for Remote Connections   Remote Access Overview   Defining WAN Connection Types   Dedicated Connections   Circuit-Switched Connections   Packet-Switched Connections   Defining WAN Encapsulation Protocols   PPP Encapsulation   X.25 and Frame Encapsulations   Determining the WAN Type to Use   Selecting WAN Configuration Types   WAN Connections-Speed Comparison   WAN Connections Summary   Identifying Site Requirements   Central Site Considerations   Branch Office Considerations   Telecommuter Site Considerations   Selecting Cisco Remote Access Solutions   Determining the Appropriate Interfaces-Fixed Interfaces   Determining the Appropriate Interfaces-Modular Interfaces   Selecting Products with Cisco Product-Selection Tools   Product Selection Tool Example   Summary   Review Questions Chapter 3  Assembling and Cabling the WAN Components   Network Overview   Identifying Company Site Equipment   Central Site Router Equipment   Branch Office Router Equipment   Telecommuter Site Router Equipment   Assembling and Cabling the Network   Verifying Network Installation   Verifying Central Site Installation   Verifying Branch Office Installation   Verifying Telecommuter Site Installation   Summary   Review Questions   Chapter  Configuring Asynchronous Connections with Modems   Modem Overview   Modem Signaling and Cabling   Data Transfer Group   Flow Control Group  Modem Control Group  Communication Termination  Modem Operation  Communication Wiring and Cabling  Modem Modulation Standards  Error Control and Data Compression  Configuration for Asynchronous ConnectionsChapter 4  Configuring Asynchronous Connections with Modems Chapter 5  Configuring Point-to-Point Protocol and Controlling Network Access Chapter 6  Accessing the Central Site with Windows 95 Chapter 7  Using ISDN and DDR Technologies to Enhance Remote Connectivity Chapter 8  Optimizing the Use of DDR Interface-Dialer Profiles and Rotary Groups Chapter 9  Configuring a Cisco 700 Series Router Chapter 10  Using X.25 for Remote Access Chapter 11  Frame Relay Connection and Traffic Flow Control Appendix A  Summary of BCRAN Commands Appendix B  Summary of ICRC Commands Appendix C  Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)Reference ModelAppendix D  AT Commands for Modems and Chat-ScriptsAppendix E  RFC ListAppendix F  Emerging and Complementary TechnoltgiesAppendix G  X.25 and Frame Relay SwitchingAppendix H  Answers to Review QuestionsAppendix I  BCRAN Case Study Addresses and Dial-Up Phone Number Matrix,Part I  Glossary  Index



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