出版时间:2003-2-1 出版社:人民邮电出版社 作者:Kenneth S.Lind 页数:558 字数:825000
本书以MCAD/MCSD认证考试为目标,内容涵盖了MCAD/MCSD核心考试70-310的所有考试要点,尽可能详细地介绍了MCAD/MCSD应试者所应该掌握的所有技能。 本书在介绍考试要点时针对每个考试目标,使用了大量的插图、表格、试验、测试等,使读者在牢固掌握知识点的同时,轻松地获得丰富的实践经验。 本书由具有丰富MCAD/MCSD考试经验的专家编写,是参加MCAD/MCSD考试人员的必备考试教材。本书也是一本学习使用和管理Visual Basic .NET的很好的参考书,还可以作为一些疑难问题的速查手册。
1 Introduction to XML Services Overview of .NET .NET Framework ASP.NET Visual Basic.NET Object-Oriented Visual Basic .NET Implementation in Visual Basic .NET Inheritance Overloading Exception Handling .NET Assemblies Assembly Versions Assembly Deployment .NET Component Models √Two-Minute Drill Q&A Self Test Self Test Answers 2 Developing a Windows Service Windows Services Technology Developing a Windows Service Exercise2-1:The Windows Service Skeleton Exercise2-2:Implementing the Pause Event Exercise2-3:The Network Testing Service Windows Services Architecture Windows Service Configuration Windows Service Control Exercise2-4:The Service Controller √Two-Minute Drill Q&A Self Test Self Test Answers 3 Creating and Managing Microsoft Windows-Serviced Components Component Services Transactions Object Pooling Constructor Strings Component Services Assembly Component 90 Building a Serviced Component 93 Exercise3-1:Building the Serviced Component Exercise3-2:Create a Strong-Name Key Consuming a Serviced Component Exercise3-3:Building the Consumer Application √Two-Minute Drill Q&A Self Test Self Test Answers 4 Creating and Managing Microsoft .NET Remoting Objects Overview of .NET Remoting Communication Issues The .NET Remoting Architecture Creating a .NET Remoting Object Using a TCP Channel Exercise4-1:A .NET Remoting Server Using a TCP Channel Exercise4-2:Building the Remote Server Exercise4-3:Building a Client Application Using a TCP Channel Exercise4-4:Using the .NET Remoting Server and Client Creating a .NET Remoting Object Using an HTTP Channel Exercise4-5:Building a Remote Object Using an HTTP Channel Exercise4-6:Creating the Server Configuration Exercise4-7:Building the Client Application Exercise4-8:Configuring the Client Application Exercise4-9:Configuring IIS for Remoting Client-Activated Objects Asynchronous Methods Handling Events Delegates Callbacks Exercise4-10:Asynchronous Processing √Two-Minute Drill Q&A Self Test Self Test Answers 5 Creating and Managing Microsoft XML Web Services6 Consuming and Manipulating Data 7 Testing and Debugging8 Security and Unmanaged Code9 Deployment A About the CD-ROMB Command-Line UtilitiesC Exam 70-310 Certification Objective Mapping to the Study GuideD The TechnologiesE Creating User AccountsGlossaryIndex