MCSA学习指南(Managing a Windows2000 Network Environment Exam70-218英文版)

出版时间:2002-9-1  出版社:人民邮电出版社  作者:Rory McCaw,Alan Simpson  页数:916  字数:1280000  


本书以MCSA 认证考试为目标,内容涵盖了MCSA 核心考试70-218 的所有考试要点,尽可能详细地介绍了MCSA 应试者和Windows 2000高级用户所应掌握的所有技能。  本书在介绍考试要点时针对每个考试目标,使用了大量的插图、表格、试验、测试等,使读者在牢固掌握知识点的同时,轻松地获得丰富的实践经验。  本书由具有丰富MCSA 培训经验的专家编写,是参加MCSA 考试人员必备考试教材。本书也是一本学习使用和管理Windows 2000的很好的参考书,还可以作为一些疑难问题的速查手册。


PartⅠ Configuring, Administering, and Troubleshooting the Network Infrastructure    Configuring and Troubleshooting TCP/IP   Configure TCP/IP on Servers and Clients    Hardware Addresses    IP Address    Exercise 1-1:Configuring TCP/IP on Servers    Converting Between Binary and Decimal  Determine Valid IP Addresses    Subnetting    Finding Valid IP Addresses    Broadcasting  Configure Routing    Building a Windows 2000 Router    How Routing Works    Viewing the Routing Table    Exercise 1-2:Viewing a Computer's Routing Table  Configuring Routing Tables    How Routing Conflicts Are Handled     Managing the Routing Table   Troubleshoot TCP/IP and Routing    Troubleshooting with IPCONFIG     Exercise 1-3:Checking an IP Configuration    Troubleshooting with PING   Troubleshooting with ARP     Troubleshooting with Tracert     Exercise 1-4:Tracing a Route     Troubleshooting with PATHPING     Two-Minute Drill   Q&A Self Test     Lab Question     Self Test Answers     Lab Answer  2 Implementing and Troubleshooting Name Resolution   Understand Name Resolution     Name Resolution Resources    Exercise 2-1:Check Out Your Computer Name  Configure NetBIOS Name Resolution     NetBIOS Names    NetBIOS Service Identifiers    NetBIOS Name Resolution Sequences    Creating an LMHOSTS File    Exercise 2-2:Peek at Some NetBIOS Names  Configure and Implement WINS    Installing a WINS Server    Configuring WINS Clients    Managing a WINS Database    Exercise 2-3:Viewing Records in a WINS Database    Supporting Non-WINS Clients    Setting Up Multiple WINS Servers  Troubleshoot NetBIOS Name Resolution     Troubleshooting WINS Servers     Exercise 2-4:Viewing WINS Server Statistics     Troubleshooting WINS Clients    Two-Minute Drill   Q&A Self Test     Lab Question     Self Test Answers     Lab Answer   3 Configuring, Managing, and Troubleshooting DNS  4  Configuring and Troubleshooting DhcpPartⅡ Active Directory and Group Policy  5  Configuring and Implementing Active Directory  6  Creatying and Implementing Group Policies  7  Sharing and Pubokshing Folders and Printers  8  Managing Software with Group Ploicy  9  Managing and Troubleshooting Active DirectoryPart Ⅲ  Creating,Configuring,Managing,Securing,and Troubleshooting File,Print,and Web Resources  10  Managing Data Storage  11  Configring Internet Information Serveces(IIS)  12  Implementing and Analyzing SecurityPart Ⅳ  Confinuring,Securing,and Troubleshootihg Remote Access  13  Confinguring Client Computer Remote Access Properties  14  Troubleshooting Remote Access  15  Inplementing Terminal Services for Remote Access  16  Configuring Network Address Translation and Internet Connetion SharingPart Ⅴ  Managing,Securing,and Troubleshooting Servers and Client Computers  17  Installing and Configuring Server  18  Troubleshooting Startup Problems  19  Monitoring and TroubleshootingServrer Health and PerformanceAppendixIndex



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