MCSE学习指南-Windows XP Professional (平装)

出版时间:2002-7  出版社:人民邮电出版社  作者:西蒙斯  页数:717  字数:1060000  


本书以MCSE认证考试为目标,内容涵盖了MCSE核心考试70-270的所有考试要点,详细介绍了MCSE应试者和Windows XP Professional高级用户所应该掌握的技能。    本书在介绍考试要点时针对每个考试目标,使用了大量的插图、表格、试验和测试等,使读者在牢固掌握知识点的同时,轻松地获得丰富的实践经验。    本书由具有丰富MCSE考试经验的专家编写,是参加MCSE考试人员的必备考试教材。本书也是一本学习使用和管理Windows XP Professional的很好的参考书,还可以作为解决疑难问题的速查手册。


1 Introduction to the Windows XP Professional Exam   What Is Installing,Configuring,and Administering Microsoft Windows XP Professional?     What Is Windows XP Professional?     Windows 2000 Tools   Overview of Exam 70-270     Audience Profile     Getting Ready     Exploring the Exam Objectives   What Is Covered in this Book       Chapter 2: Performing an Attended Installation of Windows XP Professional     Chapter 3: Performing an Unattended Installation of Windows XP Professional     Chapter 4: Configuring and Troubleshooting the Desktop Environment     Chapter 5: Managing Windows XP Professional Hardware     Chapter 6: Configure and Manage I/O Devices     Chapter 7: Configuring Disk Drives and Disk Volumes    Chapter 8: Printing and Faxing     Chapter 9: Resource Administration     Chapter 10: Networking     Chapter 11: Internet Usage,Support,and Security     Chapter 12: Configuring,Managing,and Troubleshooting Security     Chapter 13: Monitoring and Optimizing System Performance and Reliability   What You Should Already Know     Windows 2000     TCP/IP Networking     Global Computing Knowledge     Two-Minute Drill   Q&A Self Test   Self Test Answers 2 Performing an Attended Installation of Windows XP Professional   Planning a Windows XP Professional Installation     Minimum Hardware Requirements     Network Considerations     Hard Disk Configuration     Service Packs     Exercise 2-1: Planning a Windows XP Installation   Upgrade Considerations     Upgrade Compatibility     Running a Backup     Application Compatibility    Exercise 2-2: Preparing for an Upgrade   Installing Windows XP Professional    Installing from CD-ROM     Exercise 2-3: Installing Windows XP Professional     Installing from a Network Share     Using Winnt32.exe   Performing Post-Installation Updates and Product Activation     Post-Installation Updates    Product Activation     Exercise 2-4: Activating Windows XP Professional   Migrating Existing User Environments to Windows XP     Exercise 2-5: Transferring Settings from a Downlevel Operating System     Exercise 2-6: Migrating Settings and Files to Windows XP   Troubleshooting Failed Installations     Two-Minute Drill   Q&A Self Test  Lab Question   Self Test Answers   Lab Answer 3 Performing an Unattended Installation of Windows XP Professional   Installing Windows XP Professional Using Setup Manager    Exercise 3-1: Extracting the Files     Exercise 3-2: Using Setup Manager to Create an Answer File   Installing Windows XP Professional Using Remote Installation Service     Installing RIS     Exercise 3-3: Setting up the RIS Server     Configuring the RIS Server     Exercise 3-4: Configuring the RIS Server     Authorizing the RIS Server in the Active Directory    Exercise 3-5: Authorizing the RIS Server     Creating an RIS Boot Disk    Exercise 3-6: Creating an RIS Boot Disk     Remote Installation Preparation Wizard     Exercise 3-7: Creating a RIPrep Image     Controlling RIS Images with Group Policy     Exercise 3-8: Controlling RIS Images with Group Policy     Using an Answer File with an RIS Image     Solving RIS Problems   Installing Windows XP Professional Using System Preparation     Exercise 3-9: Running Sysprep     Two-Minute Drill  Q&A Self Test   Lab Question   Self Test Answers   Lab Answer 4 Configuring and Troubleshooting the Desktop Environment 5 Managing Windows XP Hardwar6 Configure and Manage Windows XP Devices 7 Configuring Disk Drives and Volumes 8 Configure and Manage Windows XP Printing and Faxing 9 Resource Administration10 Networking11 Internet and Remote Networking 12 Configuring,Managing,and Troubleshooting Security 13 Monitoring and Optimizing System Performance and Reliability A About the CD B About the Web SiteGlossary Index



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