
出版时间:2002-5  出版社:人民邮电出版社  作者:PaulWatters  页数:572  字数:788000  


本书是针对Sun公司Solaris 8 认证考试的参考书,涵盖Part I和Part II两个等级;全书共分为36章,分别介绍了系统概念、OpenBootPROM、在单机上安装Solaris 8、软件包管理、维护补丁、引导处理、改变系统状态、管理用户、初始化文件的管理、高级文件权限、处理控制、磁盘配置与命名、磁盘分区与格式化、文件系统、安装文件系统、备份、IP打印服务、打印命令、Solaris 8网络环境、安装一个服务器、 Solaris 系统日志和审核工具、SAF、为管理工具增加终端和MODEM、磁盘管理、网络、配置NFS环境、CACHEFS文件系统、自动加载、命名服务、NIS、管理工具、自动安装、配置和使用CDE等。   本书由具有丰富经验的培训专家编写,是参加Solaris考试者必备的考试教材。本书也可供Solaris系统管理人员作为参考手册。


Part Ⅰ Sun Certified System Administrator for Solaris 8   Chapter1 Taking the Administrator's Exam   Chapter 2 System Concepts   Chapter 3 The OpenBoot PROM   Chapter 4 Installing Solaris 8 on a Single Host   Chapter 5 Software Package Administration   Chapter 6 Maintaining Patches   Chapter 7 The Boot Process   Chapter 8 Changing System States   Chapter 9 System Security   Chapter 10 Managing Users   Chapter 11 Administration of Initialization Files   Chapter 12 Advanced File Permissions   Chapter 13 Process Control   Chapter 14 Disk Configuration and Naming   Chapter 15 Disk Partitions and Format   Chapter 16 Introduction to File Systems   Chapter 17 Mounting File Systems   Chapter 18 Backups   Chapter 19 The Ip Print Service   Chapter 20 Print Commands Part Ⅱ Sun Certified System Administrator for Solaris 8   Chapter 21 The Solaris 8 Network Environment   Chapter 22 Installing a Server   Chapter 23 Solaris Syslog and Auditing Utilities   Chapter 24 Managing Devices   Chapter 25 The Service Access Facility (SAF)   Chapter 26 Adding Terminals and Modems with Admintool   Chapter 27 Introduction to Disk Management   Chapter 28 Networks   Chapter 29 Configuring the NFS Environment   Chapter 30 The CacheFS Filesystem   Chapter 31 Using Automount   Chapter 32 Naming Services Overview   Chapter 33 NIS  Chapter 34 Admintool   Chapter 35 JumpStart-Automatic Installation   Chapter 36 Configuring and Using the CDE Appendix A Solaris Administration Quick Reference Index 



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