
出版时间:2000-1  出版社:人民邮电出版社  作者:薄玉改,杨志锋 编著  页数:391  字数:550000  


本书收集了Maromedia FreeHand、 Adobe、Illustrator、AdobePhotoshop、CordDRAWAutodesk 3DS MAXg常用图形图像软件中所有的英文词汇及其中文注释,包括菜草、命令、参数设置等内容并对其功能、用法作了概括说明。本书不仅可以帮助读者迅速学习、全面掌握以上软件,更有利于读者对它们进行横向比较、综台利用,发挥软件的最大潜能。    本书可作为初学者的辅导书及电脑艺术设计师的案头速查手册。


Adobe Illustrator Tool box   Seiection TooI  Direct SeIection Tool   Group SeIection Tool    Pen Tool   Add Anchor Point Tool  Delete Anchor Point Tool  Convert Direction Point Tool  Type Tool  Area Type Tool  Path Type Toot  Vertical Type Tool  VerticaI Area Type Tool  Ellipse TooI  PoIygon TooI  Star Tool  Spiral Tool  Rectangle Tool  Rounded Rectangle Tool   Pencil Tool  Smooth Tool  Erase Tool  Paintbrush    Scissors Tool  Rotate Tool  Twirl Tool   ScaIe Tool   Reshape Tool        Reflect Tool           Shear Toot         Free Transform Tool  BIend tool          Auto Trace TooL  Column Graph Tool  Stacked Column Graph Tool  Bar Graph Tool  Stacked Bar Graph Tool  Line Graph Tool  Area Graph Tool  Scatter Graph Tool  Pie Graph Tool  Radar Graph Tool  Gradient TooL  Gradient Mesh Tool  Paint Bucket Tool  Eyedropper Tool           Knife Tool  Scissors Tool            Measure Tool             Hand Tool  Page Tool             Zoom Tool              Fill  Stroke (Click to activate )  Defaut FiIl and Stroke  Standard Screen Mode  FuIl Screen Mode With Menu Bar  Full Screen Mode  Color       Gradient      None      FiIe   New  Open        Close         Save         Save As  Save a Copy  Revert        Place         Export        Document Info    Selection InfQ  Adobe PhotoshopMacromedia FreeHandCorelDRAWAutodesk 3DSMAX



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