出版时间:2010-12 出版社:人民交通出版社 作者:丁晓梅,施祝斌,蒋更红 著 页数:166
《船机专业英语》为浙江省“十一五”重点建设教材,由丁晓梅、蒋更红编写。全书包括三个学习模块,分别是:模块1船体、模块2船舶机械及模块3船舶建造。每个模块由不同的学习任务组成,全书共计21个学习任务;模块结尾附有“能力提升”,其目的在于培养学生对船舶行业生产实际的认知能力和实际应用能力。书中涉及的词汇较多,除了文中出现的专业词汇外,为扩大学生现有的词汇量,还专门增设了与课文内容相关的额外的技术术语和表达方法。 《船机专业英语》强调实用性,不仅有船机专业知识,同时也涉及船厂的生产、经营方面的内容。《船机专业英语》可作为高等职业教育船舶工程技术、船机制造与维修、船舶动力装置等专业的教学用书,还可供相关专业技术人员学习参考。
Module 1 Ship HullTask 1 Knowledge of ShipReading Material: Cargo shipTask 2 Knowledge of Ship StructureReading Material : FreeboardTask 3 Principal DimensionsReading Material: Deadweight TonnageAbility UpModule 2 Ship MachineryTask 4 Basic Structure, Fitting and Testing of Marine Diesel EngineReading Material: Introduction to Key Features of Wartsila RT Flex EnginesTask 5 Basic Structure, Testing of Steering GearReading Material: Steering gearTask 6 Knowledge of the Power System of Diesel EnginesReading Material : Cooling SystemTask 7 Knowledge of Ship SystemReading Material: Bilge and Ballast SystemTask 8 Knowledge of Marine PumpsReading Material: Installation and Maintenance of Centrifugal PumpsTask 9 Knowledge of Marine CentrifugeReading Material: Operation of a Marine CentrifugeTask 10 Knowledge of Propulsion PlantReading Material: Stabilizer and Side ThrusterTask 11 Knowledge of Deck MachineryReading Material: Statutory Demands on Cargo Handling GearAbility UpModule 3 Ship BuildingTask 12 The Shipbuilding ProcessReading Material : Owner s RequirementsTask 13 Ship Construction ContractReading Material: Shipbuilding Contract (Extract)Task 14 Shipyard FacilitiesReading Material: The ProductionTask 15 Shipyard production processes technologyReading Material: Blasting and CoatingTask 16 PreoutfittingReading Material : OutfittingTask 17 Machinery InstallationsReading Material : The LogisticsTask 18 Ship LaunchingReading Material: The Traditional Launching of a ShipTask 19 Ship SurveyReading Material: Classification and Classification SurveyorTask 20 Sea TrialReading Material: Trial ScheduleTask 21 Repair ListAbility UpAppendix Some Isometric Views of ShipsReferences
When on the bridge it is decided to alter the course: the automatic pilot or the helm is used to activate the steering engine: which: in turn: rotates the rudder-stock and the rudder. The rudder carrier supports the rudder-stock and the rudder. The rudder carrier also functions as a bearing around the ruder-stock: and it seals the rudder trunk to prevent seawater from entering the ship by a gland. SOLAS demands that every steering engine should be equipped with 2 sets of pumps with separated power supply: and: consequently; also 2 servo sets: serving the hydraulic pumps. Both the ram and the rotary-vane steering engines operate by hydraulic power. Both types of steering gear are equally common in shipping. In general the greatest rudder moment occurs at 30°~35°. Ram Steering Gear In ram steering gear: the rudder-stock is rotated by a tiller that: in its turn: is controlled by rams. A ram consists of a cylinder and a piston: the piston being moved by hydraulic pressure. The tiller and the rudder-stock are often linked by a conical connection. Ram steering gear can have 1 ram: 2 rams or 4 rams. If: in the case of one or two. rams the cylinders are double acting: the steering engine can still operate through one of the cylinders when the other one fails. A 4-ram system can be split in two and two for the same reason. This is a requirement of SOLAS.