
出版时间:2011-1  出版社:人民交通  作者:黄蜀云  页数:55  




Theme 1 Core Ability to Learn Civil Engineering English
Theme 2 Bridge Engineering
Theme 3 Road Engineering
Theme 4 Building Structure
Theme 5 Construction Materials
Theme 6 Construction Methods
Theme 7 Construction Drawings
Theme 8 Technical Files
Theme 9 Simulated Foreign Project Presentation


版权页:插图:your contract is valid, complete, sufficient or enforceableSample Contract for Construction Work 1-1-10. doc 1-1-10These forms are attached to and made a part of this contract.Explanation of HOMEOWNERS' s Rights1. Consumers have the right to receive the products and services agreed to in the contract.2. Consumers have the right to resolve disputes through means outlined in the contract.3. Consumers have the right to file a complaint with the CCB. Any arbitration or mediationclauses in the contract may need to be complied with during the resolution of the CCBcomplaint.Explanation of Mediation or Arbitration ClauseAn "arbitration or mediation clause" is a written portion of a contract designed to settle howthe parties will solve disputes that may arise during, or after the construction project.Arbitration clauses are very important. They may limit a consumer' s ability to have theirdispute resolved by the Oregon court system or the Oregon Construction ContractorsBoard.





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