
出版时间:2010-9  出版社:人民交通  作者:王淑云  页数:337  




Unit 1 What is Logistics Management?The definition of logisticsThe origin and development of logisticsThe characteristics of logisticsActivities included in logistics managementReading MaterialUnit 2 Supply Chain ManagementThe emergence of the supply chain conceptThe definition of supply chain managementThe components of supply chain from the focal firms perspectiveCharacteristics of supply chain managementChallenges of supply chain managementReading MaterialUnit 3 Recent Trends in LogisticsThird-party logisticsOutsoursingGlobal logisticsVirtual warehousingReverse logisticsBenchmarkingReading MaterialUnit 4 The Development of Logistical IntegrationIntegrated logistics conceptWhy should logistics activities be integrated?Logistical integration objectivesThe development of logistical integrationReading materialUnit 5 TransportationThe role of transportationTransportation systemFactors influencing transportation costsTransportation service characteristicsThe economic and service characteristics of different transportation modesOther transportation arrangementsLegal forms of transportationReading MaterialUnit 6 WarehousingDefinitionNature and importance of warehousingFunctions of warehousingWarehouse decision strategyWarehouse planning and managementReading MaterialUnit 7 InventoryWhy hold inventoryTypes of inventoryInventory costsInventory managementReading MaterialUnit 8 Distribution Channel and Customer ServiceDistribution channelCustomer serviceReading Material 1Reading Material 2Unit 9 Materials Management and PurchasingMaterials managementPurchasingJust-in-time purchasingReading MaterialUnit 10 Logistics and Corporate Profit PerformanceLogistics performance assessmentImpacts of logistics system change on corporate profit performanceThe strategic profit modelReading Material



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