
出版时间:2007-8  出版社:人民交通  作者:吴建国  页数:341  


  《研究生英语系列教程:英语精读教程》共分15个单元,每个单元由三大模块组成,即课文一、课文二和语言运用。课文一和课文二的选文经过认真细致的筛选和改编,其特点是:内容新颖,题材广泛,难度适中。语言运用部分为结合课文设计的练习题,通过这些练习题可以使读者提高对课文的理解。  《研究生英语系列教程:英语精读教程》可供交通运输、国际航运、物流管理、物流工程专业研究生使用。


Unit OneTextⅠ:Competence and Competitive AdvantageTextⅡ:How Culturally Aware Are You?Language in UseUnit TwoTextⅠ:Ethics and Competitiveness——Putting First Things FirstTextⅡ:Classroom Conundrum:Profits + Ethics =?Language in UseUnit ThreeTextⅠ:Global Transportation OptionsTextⅡ:Holidays may be Hazardous to International Logistics SystemsLanguage in UseUnit FourTextⅠ:Transportation Management StrategyTextⅡ:Transportation:The Forgotten FactorLanguage in UseUnit FiveTextⅠ:Careers in LogisticsTextⅡ:Supply Chain TechnologyLanguage in UseUnit SixTextⅠ:Strategic Planning for Logistics and Supply Chain ManagementTextⅡ:E-Business in Supply ChainsLanguage in UseUnit SevenTextⅠ:A Vision of World Class LogisticsTextⅡ:The Challenge of Maintaining Continuous SuperiorityLanguage in UseUnit EightTextⅠ:Organizational Culture and Ethical PracticesTextⅡ:A Regional Analysis of North American LogisticsLanguage in UseUnit NineTextⅠ:Chinese WallsTextⅡ:The Remarkable Evolution of RoadRailerLanguage in UseUnit TenTextⅠ: E-Hubs. The New B2B MarketplaceTextⅡ:The Future of Electronic MoneyLanguage in UseUnit ElevenTextⅠ:The Economic Role of the Shipping IndustryTextⅡ:The Role of Ports in the Transport SystemLanguage in UseUnit TwelveTextⅠ:Economic Growth and Sea TradeTextⅡ:Why do Countries Trade?Language in UseUnit ThirteenTextⅠ:How to Frame a Message, the Art of Persuasion and NegotiationTextⅡ:Collaborative SellingLanguage in UseUnit FourteenTextⅠ:Science and TruthTextⅡ:Cut-Price KillersLanguage in UseUnit FifteenTextⅠ:International Trade and Economic DevelopmentTextⅡ:International Trade and the Nation‘s Standard of LivingLanguage in UseKey to the Exercises



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