
出版时间:2004-1  出版社:人民交通出版社  作者:杨世才  页数:210  字数:347000  


全书分为15个单元,共30课,内容涉及计算机的基础知识、软件开发及应用、网络安全理论基础及网络安全操作实践、多媒体技术、计算机的图形图像知识和压缩知识及其应用、网络计算、电子人及人工智能等计算机专业英语知识。    本书可供高职高专、大专院校相关专业的学生使用,也可作为IT业从业人员的参考书,还可供使用计算机的专业人员自学。


UNIT 1 Overview of computer Lesson 1 Computers:getting starteaUNIT 2 Operating system Lesson 1 Operating system  Lesson 2 Linux and Java:a natufal fit  Lesson 3 Defragmenting helps disk performanceUNIT 3 Programming languages  Lesson 1  Visual Basic  Lesson 2  Visual C++  Lesson 3  C++  Lesson 4  Compilers,interpreters and byte codeUNIT 4  Data structure and datahAsp  Lesson 1  Data structure  Lesson 2  DatabaseUNIT 5  Application software  Lesson 1  Application software  Lesson 2  Winamp3UNIT 6  Computer networkUNIT 7  Computer security  Lesson 1  Computer securitv  Lesson 2  Fast path to security incident response and recoveryUNIT 8  Network security practice  Lesson 1  How to help to prevent outbound B1aster attacks  Lesson 2  XP’S do—it—yourself securitvUNIT 9  Crypt Lesson 1  Modern cryptography Lesson 2  Advanced encryption standardUNIT 10  Multimedia  Lesson 1  Multimedia technology  Lesson 2  Image management,document management and database managementUNIT 11  Graphics and image  Lesson 1  The structure of GDI  Lesson 2  Image and video compressionUNIT 12 Mobile application  Lesson 1 Handhelds will still sell well:study  Lesson 2 Microsoft SMS senderUNIT 13  High and new concept  Lesson 1  The next high concept—grid eomputmg  Lesson 2  CyboryUNIT 14  IT and crisis of computer education  LesSon 1  IT and computer application  Lesson 2  Is computer science education in crisisUNIT 15  The revelation of AI  Lesson 1  What’s it mean to be human,anyway!参考文献



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