出版时间:2002-06-01 出版社:人民交通出版社 作者:李万莉 等 著 页数:175
《工程机械专业英语》共4篇14章,内容包括机械基础知识、铲土运输机械、路面施工机械和起重运输机械。每章由专业文献、单词注释以及语法和长难句分析组成。《工程机械专业英语》取材于英文版文章,语言规范,内容实月,语法及例句分析准确、精练,有利于学以致用。 《工程机械专业英语》为工程机械专业英语教材,亦可供相关专业师生以及工程技术和管理人员阅读。
UNIT Ⅰ Basic Courses of TechnologyChapter l About Basic Mechanics Courses1.1 Introducti on1.2 implementationl.3 Statics1.4 Strength of Materials1.5 ConclusionsNew WordsNotesSupplementary Reading Practice:Contents of engineering mechanics coursesChapter 2 Machine Elements2.1 Joints of Machine Elements2.2 Power Transmission2.3 Shafts and BearingsNew WordsNotesSupplementary Reading Practice:Learn About Gear LubricationChapter 3 Trucks and Wagons3.1 Genefal3.2 Design and Principal Mechanisms of Trucks3.3 Power Train of Trucks3.4 Truck Steering Gears3.5 Brakes 0f TrucksNew WordsNotesSupplementary Reading Practice : Damage,Fracture and Failure ofComposite StructuresUNIT Ⅱ Earth-Moving MachineryChapter 4 Bulldozers4.1 Introduction4.2 Design and Principal Mechanisms of Crawler Tractors4.3 Main Frame and Track Assembly of a Crawler Tractor4.4 Steering Gear of a Crawler Tractor4.5 Selection of Crawler- Mounted or Wheel-mounted Bulldozers4.6 D4e Track type Bulldozers4.7 Specifications of BulldozerNew WordsNotesChapter Loaders5.1 Purpose and Classification5.2 Single Bucket Loaders5.3 Specification Sheets of 1.15 Type Loader5.4 Operating devices of loader5.5 Performance and General DimensionsNew WordsNoteChapter 6 Scrapers6.1 Introduction6.2 Application of Different Scrapers6.3 Operating a Scraper6.4 Specification of 6230 Type Elevating ScraperNew WordsNotesChapter7Graders7.1 Introduction7.2 Automatization of Earth Moving and Grading Machines7.3 Major Parts of a Grader7.4 Accident Prevention7.5 Technical DataNew WordsNotesChapter 8 Revolving Shovels and Ditchers8.1 Revolving Shovels8.2 Hydraulic Excavator8.3 DitchersNew WordsNotes……UNIT Ⅲ Road-Making MachineryUNIT Ⅳ Material Handling Machinery