
出版时间:2009-8  出版社:中国铁道出版社  作者:刘爱平 编著  页数:194  


本教材根据教育部颁布的《大学英语教学大纲》和教育部高等学校外语专业教学指导委员会英语组制定的《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》编写,可以适用于高等学校英语专业二、三年级的学生和广播电视大学、师范院校本专科英语专业学生的教学,也适用于具有同等学历的英语自学爱好者学习之用。    1.“写”和“读”融于一体,“写”在“读”中“立”,“读”在“写”中“导”,同时。“写”在“读”中提高,“读”又增强“写”的技能,从而达到提高学生的英语综合表达能力。    2.与学生的实际情况相结合,从培养英语专业学生的角度出发。围绕着专业知识中心,教给学生写作技能,以“写”促“学”,具有相当的实用性,针对性。    3.本教材分设有理论教学(Guided Teaching)、教学点睛(Professor’S Comments),实训练习(Related Exercises),苦练攀高(Industrious Training)等四部分,具有较强的开放性、综合性、实践性和教学的可用性。    4.教材用词行文简明精炼,易学易懂,例句例文尽可能多而不繁。    5.教材中编设了大量的同步练习。供学生进行Project—Based Group Study。旨在教学过程中加深学生对知识的理解和接受。    6.由于写作课的特殊性,第八单元的学习重点放在课堂上,主要分Guided Teaching。Writing Focus,Analysis and Discussion(For PBGS),Related Exercises等,学生在老师的指导下,对几种常用的体裁进行点评式的讲解。要求学生在课堂上基本接受,完全采用师生互动教与学(基于项目的团队自主学习Project-based Group Study)。        7.第九单元主要是范文赏读,要求学生阅读所给的文章。根据中文提示,自己进行分析,模仿第八单元自己完成。


Exposition说明Lecture 1 Punctuations标点符号 1.1 General Introduction概说 1.2 The Ending Punctuations句尾标点 1.3 Usual Punctuations常用标点Lecture 2 words and Sentences词和句 2.1 Words and Phrases Written in Sentences单词和短语 2.2 Making Sentences造句Lecture 3 Developing Paragraphs段落写作 3.1 Before Writing准备 3.2 Sentence Writing句子写作 3.3 Topic Sentence主题句 3.4 Developing Sentences扩展句Lecture 4 Superscription of Developing and Ending段落开始和结尾的写法 4.1 Writing Methods写作方法 4.2 Conclusion结尾的写作Lecture 5 Criterions of Paragraph Writing段落写作的基本准则 5.1 The Unity统一性 5.2 The Completeness or the Adequateness完整性 5.3 The Coherence连贯性 5.4 The Writing Errors that are Harmful to Coherence损害连贯性的写作错误Lecture 6 Composing a Short Composition短文写作 6.1 Steps in Writing a Composition短文写作的步骤 6.2 Developing the Clue Sentences扩展提示句Lecture 7 Transition过渡的写作 7.1 Transitional Words in Compositions过渡词 7.2 Classification of Transitional Words过渡词的分类 7.3 Pronouns Used as Transition代词的过渡功能 7.4 Synonym Words Used as Transition同义词的过渡功能 7.5 Repetition of Words Used for Transition重复词的过渡功能 7.6 Parallel Used for Continuing the Preceding and Introducing the Following排比结构的过渡功能Lecture 8 Reading and Experiencin9阅读和训练 8.1 Expository说明文 8.2 Essay论说文 8.3 Argument议论文 8.4 Narration记叙文Lecture 9 Writing Samples写作范文Answers to the Exercises参考文献后记


  At first we arrived at the birds district. A good many birds flied up and down in their cages. Most of them could not be identified by us, not to be mentioned by my daughter. Afterwards, we went to see monkeys.  Someone who was standing beside us said that two of these monkeys had bloodily fought each other by the order from the king. Then we saw also tigers, panthers, hears, panda, zebras, goats, dogs etc. All of them, my daughter only liked the dogs: Maybe she was more familiar with the dogs than others.  At noon, we left for our classmates home to have lunch. Our trip to the zoo was over. The only feeling I felt was deeply tired. I guessed that my husband felt the same because my daughter preferred to be hold in arm rather than walked herself. Passage Three  Physical Exercise  More and more people today are realizing the importance of regular physical exercise. Physical exercise can make your body strong and healthy. By sticking to doing some physical exercise every day, you will feel energetic all the time so that you will not be overwhelmed by your heavy burden of study. It is said that physical exercise also can make you live longer.  There are many different forms of physical exercise to suit different tastes. Throwing the javelin and shot can strengthen your arms. The long-jump, high-jump and pole-vault can raise our jumping ability. The 100-meter dash, 400-meter race, and 1500-meter race can develop your leg muscles and strengthen your heart. Playing basketball, football and volleyball is also good for your body. AII types of physical exercise benefit your health and improve your mind.  However, the style of physical exercise must be chosen carefully. If your heart is weak, you must run slowly or do some light exercise. Do avoid heavy exercise! If you are too fat, you may choose jogging. It can help you become slim. For youth, playing basketball, volleyball, or football is better. Of course we should exercise regularly to get the most out ofit.



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