
出版时间:2006-3  出版社:中国铁道出版社  作者:樊任军,王首义 主编  页数:192  字数:301000  


本书为最新研发的职业院校技能型系列化特色教材之一,教材内容的组织体系与职业教育学校的计算机专业学生技能结构有机地结合,以实际的职业岗位技能任务驱动为主旋律进行了编写体系的突破,本书将专业英语的内容与实际的IT职业岗位技能、任务和项目相结合,来进行专业英语能力的培养。通过在计算机技能的实践中掌握专业英语能力,透彻理解、深刻记忆、强化专业英语的应用技能。     本书共分18单元。内容与职教计算机应用技能模块同步相融,涉及计算机的组装与维护、计算机硬件、操作系统、办公自动化、C和visual Basic程序设计语言、数据库基本知识、多媒体技术、网站构建、网页制作、网络技术、反病毒与系统安全等方面的相关知识。    本书与计算机的技能模块相结合,是职业院校培养技能型、应用型和操作型复合型人才的“技能类”教材与参考书,是IT技术教育与市场职业资格认证的培训用书,是职业院校学生提升职业技能、增强就业的竞争力、通过计算机技能认证及英语等级考试的教学与自学教程。


Unit 1 Assembling Computer  Technical Skill 1: Mastering Goal    Task-1 Getting to Know the Hardware of a Computer    Task-2 Assembling Computer  Technical Skill 2: Nuclear Words  Technical Skill 3: Practice and Enhancement    Task-1 Notice to the Text    Task-2 Application Specialty Phrase and Abbreviation    Task-3 Your Understanding Check  Technical Skill 4: Applied Synthesis Development    Task-1 Anti-virus    Task-2 Handle Binary-to-Decimal ConversionsUnit 2 Input Output Devices  Technical Skill 1: Mastering Goal    Task-1 Input Devices    Task-2 Keyboard    Task-3 Output Devices    Task-4 Structure of Computer:    Task-5 Hardware and Software  Technical Skill 2: Nuclear Words,  Technical Skill 3: Practice and Enhancement    Task-1 Notice to the Text    Task-2 Application Specialty Phrase and Abbreviation    Task-3 Your Understanding Check  Technical Skill 4: Applied Synthesis Development    Task-1 Installing the CD-ROM Driver    Task-2 Logical AND,Unit 3 Installing Software  Technical Skill 1: Mastering Goal    Task-1 Software Installation    Task-2 WinZip Installation  Technical Skill 2: Nuclear Words  Technical Skill 3: Practice and Enhancement    Task-1 Notice to the Text    Task-2 Application Specialty Phrase and Abbreviation    Task-3 Your Understanding Check  Technical Skill 4: Applied Synthesis Development    Task-1 CMOS Setup    Task-2 Integrated Circuit Chips (IC) Unit 4 Booting Up Problems  Technical Skill 1 : Mastering Goal  Technical Skill 2: Nuclear Words  Technical Skill 3: Practice and Enhancement    Task-1 Notice to the Text    Task-2 Application Specialty Phrase and Abbreviation    Task-3 Your Understanding Check  Technical Skill 4: Applied Synthesis Development    Task-1 USB    Task-2 Interface Circuit and BusUnit 5 Operating System  Technical Skill 1: Mastering Goal    Task-1 The System Software    Task-2 The Operating System (OS),    Task-3 Windows XP Operating System  Technical Skill 2: Nuclear Words  Technical Skill 3: Practice and Enhancement    Task-1 Notice to the Text    Task-2 Application Specialty Phrase and Abbreviation    Task-3 Your Understanding Check  Technical Skill 4: Applied Synthesis Development    Task-1 Linux Operating System    Task-2 Stacks and QueuesUnit 6 Office Automation  Technical Skill 1: Mastering Goal  Technical Skill 2: Nuclear Words  Technical Skill 3: Practice and Enhancement    Task-i Notice to the Text    Task-2 Application Specialty Phrase and Abbreviation    Task-3 Your Understanding Check  Technical Skill 4: Applied Synthesis Development    Task-1 Outlook 2003    Task-2 About Office Automation    Task-3 Application of Office AutomationUnit 7 C Programming Language  Technical Skill l: Mastering Goal  Technical Skill 2: Nuclear Words  Technical Skill 3: Practice and Enhancement    Task-1 Notice to the TextUnit 8 Visual FoxProUnit 9 An Introduction to PhotoshopUnit 10 NetworkUnit 11 IP AddressUnit 12 InternetUnit 13 Making WebsiteUnit 14 SQL LanguageUnit 15 Welcome to the 3D WorldUnit 16 Active Server Pages(ASP)Unit 17 Visual C#.NETUnit 18 IPv6Appendix A AbbeviationAppendix B Answers参考文献



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