
出版时间:2010-8  出版社:中国建筑工业出版社  作者:徐勇戈,林熹 主编  页数:199  


本书的编写经过了精心的设计,在内容编排上紧扣工程管理专业的最新进展和前沿知识,并汲取了兄弟院校同类教材的优点。书中涵盖了包括项目管理组织、工程项目经济评价、建设项目融资、工程项目招投标与合同管理、进度控制、成本控制、质量与安全控制以及工程项目信息管理等内容在内的工程项目管理领域的理论体系和知识精粹。     为了提高学生的文献翻译能力,本书专门安排了专业英语翻译的内容,使学生能够清楚专业英语的特点和翻译技巧,从而更好地完成专业英语的学习。此外,本书还介绍了英文科技论文写作方面的知识,旨在提高学生撰写规范的英文科技论文的能力。鉴于英语口语的重要性,本书在课后习题中专门安排了锻炼学生英语口语能力的内容——专业英语口语对话练习,目的在于为提高学生口语会话能力、为日益频繁的工程管理国际交流提供一种语言环境。


Part 1  The Owner's Perspective  Chapter 1  The Project Life Cycle  Chapter 2  Major Types of Construction  Chapter 3  Selection of Professional Services  Exercises  ;Part 2  Organizing for Project Management  Chapter 1  What is Project Management?  Chapter 2  Professional Construction Management  Chapter 3  Leadership and Motivation for the Project Team  ExercisesPart 3  Labor,Material and Equipment Utilization  Chapter 1  Factors Affecting Job-Site Productivity  Chapter 2  Material Procurement and Delivery  Chapter 3  Construction Equipment  Exercises  ~Part 4  Economic Evaluation of Facility Investments  Chapter 1  Basic Concepts of Economic Evaluation  Chapter 2  Investment Profit Measures  Chapter 3  Methods of Economic Evaluation  ExercisesPart 5  Bidding and Tendering of Construction Projects  Chapter 1  Bidding Procedure of Construction Projects  Chapter 2  How to Bid on Projects in Competitive Bidding  ExercisesPart 6  Contract Management of Construction Projects  Chapter 1  Types of Agreements  Chapter 2  Changes in Contract  ExercisesPart 7  Legal Basis of International Projects  Chapter 1  Introduction of International Conditions of Contract  Chapter 2  Bonds and Insurance  ExercisesPart 8  Construction Planning  Chapter 1  Basic Concepts in the Development of Construction Plans  Chapter 2  Defining Work Tasks  Chapter 3  Defining Precedence Relationships Among Activities  ExercisesPart 9  Time Control for Construction Projects  Chapter 1  The Critical Path Method  Chapter 2  Activity Float and Schedules  Chapter 3  Presenting Project Schedules  Chapter 4  Scheduling with Uncertain Durations  ExercisesPart 10  Quality Control and Safety During Construction  Chapter 1  Quality and Safety Concerns in Construction  Chapter 2  Total Quality Control  Chapter 3  Quality Control by Statistical Methods  Chapter 4  Safety  ExercisesPart 11  Organization and Use of Project Information  Chapter 1  Computerized Organization and Use of Information  Chapter 2  Relational Model of Databases  Chapter 3  Information Transfer and Flow  Exercises工程管理专业英语翻译英文科技论文写作简介附录1  词汇表附录2  国际学术组织、会议、专业机构与期刊网址简介附录3  SCI、EI、ISTP和ISR检索方法简介



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