出版时间:2007-12 出版社:中国建筑 作者:邵益生等 页数:252
ForewordPart 1 General Overview1.1 A shortage of natural resources has become a bottleneck for urban development1.2 The deterioration of living environment has affected urban residents‘ living quality1.3 “Image projects” reflect a number of structural contradictions1.4 Frequent occurrence of public safety incidents call for legal and institutional innovations1.5 A more clear-cut social stratification makes it necessary to adopt innovative urban management systems1.6 Insufficient urban public finance makes a sustainable urban development strategy urgent1.7 Inefficient urban public policies reflect challenges in government management reformPart 2 Natural Resources2.1 Main problems related to natural resources2.2 The history and causes of the problems2.3 Advice on alleviating the conflicts between supply and demand of resourcesPart 3 Living Environment3.1 The main problems identified in the urban living environment3.2 Origins of problems concerning the urban habitable environment3.3 Solutions and suggestionsPart 4 Image Projects4.1 Image projects in urban construction4.2 Historical background for the prevalence of image projects in cities4.3 Measures of stopping image projectsPart 5 Public Safety5.1 Challenges facing city public safety5.2 Cause analysis of city public safety problems5.3 Suggestions on making policies on city public safetyPart 6 Social Stratification6.1 New social stratification structure appears in china6.2 Irrational income distribution: Long-term hidden issue in social stratification6.3 Imbalanced system: Intensifier of hidden hazards caused by social stratification6.4 Concept renovation and system reformPart 7 Public Finance in Urban Government7.1 Principal issues of current urban public finance7.2 Cause analysis of the problems in urban public finance7.3 Further reform of urban public financePart 8 Public Policies8.1 City public policies in China8.2 Studies of public policies on city planning8.3 Procedure of policy-making and city planning8.4 Suggestions on improving city planning