
出版时间:2007-7  出版社:建筑书店(原建筑社)  作者:卢有杰  页数:366  


本书介绍了国际公认的以市场经济为背景的工程合同管理的主要内容,具体包含有建筑业及其市场结构;建设项目的参与者及其环境;建筑及其他工程的程序;各种工程采购方式及选择原则;招标程序及文件;合同与合同管理的概念,合同双方在合同管理中各自的任务与责任;风险管理;承包商现场组织及建筑师/工程师施工阶段的合同管理;工程量与变更计量及计价;索赔,以及合同结尾。    合同格式,以及合同双方的权利、义务与责任取决于建筑市场买方在卖方竞争基础上选定的工程或咨询与设计服务采购方式,而采购方式取决于建筑市场(竞争)结构以及有关的风险,本书的选材与编排即遵循这一思路。激烈的市场竞争催生了丰富多彩的工程采购方式与合同关系,20世纪八九十年代编写的施工合同管理教材已不能满足现代工程合同管理的新需要。本书在全面介绍各种不同类型合同的基础上,以FIDIC(国际咨询工程师联合会)1999年出版的红皮书条文为例,详细解释了在有建筑师/工程师参与的情况下合同双方的权利、义务与责任,以及具体的合同管理工作。    风险及其管理是合同管理的重要内容,本书单设一章,详细阐述分担风险的原则、做法,以及相应的合同条文。合同结尾是合同管理的重要环节,为此也单设一章。    我国建筑市场已成为国际建筑市场最重要的组成部分,以英文编写的合同文件用得越来越多。为提高我国管理国际公认的工程合同的能力,本书以英文编写。同时,为了更好地帮助读者透彻地理解本书内容,书中对重要的概念、术语、句子与段落进行了详细解释,并有译文,有利于读者自学。


Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Construction industry 1.2 Construction project 1.3 Construction markets 1.4 Participants in construction industry 1.5 Building and engineering procedure 1.6 Context of construction projectsChapter 2 Procurement of Works 2.1 Procurement of works 2.2 Procurement management 2.3 Procurement planning 2.4 Procurement methods 2.5 Contracting planningChapter 3 Tendering Procedure 3.1 Request for seller responses 3.2 Tender documents 3.3 Inviting for tenders 3.4 Contractor' s planning 3.5 Preparation of tender 3.6 Selecting a contractorChapter 4 Contract Administration 4.1 Contract formation 4.2 Pre-contract arrangements 4.3 Contract administration 4.4 Contract documents and their priority 4.5 Contract administration during construction 4.6 Division of responsibility 4.7 Inputs to contract administration 4.8 Tools and techniques for contract administrationChapter 5 Risk Management 5.1 Risk with construction projects 5.2 Risk identification 5.3 Risk analysis 5.4 Allocation of risks 5.5 Risk response planning 5.6 Contract strategy 5.7 Allocation of risks under the Red BookChapter 6 Contractor's Site Organization and A/E's Site Supervision 6.1 Arrangements prior to commencement 6.2 Contractor' s organizational structure 6.3 Site layout 6.4 Planning and monitoring 6.5 Resource scheduling 6.6 Costing and accounting arrangements 6.7 Usage and costing of contractor's equipment 6.8 Safety aspects 6.9 A/E' s site supervisionChapter 7 Measurement,Valuation and Payment 7.1 Method of measurement 7.2 Measurement of work executed and cost records 7.3 Daywork 7.4 Certificates and payments 7.5 Adjustments of contract price 7.6 Delay damagesChapter 8 Contractors' Claims and Their Settlement 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Definition and types of claims 8.3 Procedure for claims 8.4 Justifying claims by contract 8.5 Additional loss or expense 8.6 Disruption due to variations 8.7 Preparation of claims 8.8 Reducing of claimsChapter 9 Contract Closure 9.1 Discharge of a contract 9.2 Discharge of contract under FIDIC Red Book 9.3 Contract closureAppendix Clause Headings of the Red BookIndexReferences




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  •   这类工程英语图书在普通书店里不好卖,销量也小,但当当网给我们提供了便利1
  •   英文多于中文,大概是4:1的比例吧,很牛的“双”语
  •   全是英文,很少看到汉字.这就是双语??

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