
出版时间:2005-5  出版社:中国建筑工业出版社  作者:史培等  页数:95  


  随着改革开放的不断深入,房地产行业蓬勃发展,物业管理也成为一个新兴行业。在物业管理中,英语作为一种国际通用的语言,逐渐成为工作中必不可少的工具。在中等职业学校中开设物业管理专业英语课程适应了发展的需要。本书就是为全国中等职业学校物业管理专业的专业英语教学编写的教材。  由于全国各地物业管理水平发展的不平衡,英语在工作中的需求的不平衡,各地义务教育中英语教学课程标准的不平衡,使得各地中等职业学校专业英语教学的基础差距很大,譬如各省市中职校英语课程标准中词汇量要求(能查到的)差别竟接近一倍。这就使得编写一本要适用于全国各地中等职业学校物业管理专业的专业英语教材难度不小。根据全国中等职业学校物业管理英语课程教学大纲要求,全书编为12个单元加一个加强模块。每个单元包括两篇课文和两篇对话,以及配合的习题。第一篇课文较浅,第二篇略深,主要是通过学习,了解和掌握一些物业管理的英语表达语句和专业术语。每篇课文后都配备注解、帮助理解课文的问题以及生词和短语表。授课教师可以根据不同情况选用。限于教学课时,考虑专业情景需要,设计了基本的对话。习题设计主要是通过练习,加强对课文的理解、词汇的掌握以及对话的操练。对于英语语法,不作过高要求,只要能够理解即可。习题的参考答案没有编人,准备另外编写,以便教师参考。如果学生基础较好,完成12个单元后尚有时间,则可学习加强模块,加强模块可以集中教授,也可按大纲安排,分散讲授,让学生了解一些英语简单写作的知识。为方便复习,总词汇表列于最后。课文和对话中的房地产英语基本术语已按中华人民共和国建设部2003年3月17日批准的《房地产业基本术语标准》校准。  为了增加英语学习的兴趣,每个单元前还安排一条“语言的盐”——谚语。本书虽为全国中等职业学校物业管理专业的专业英语教学而编写,也可以作为物业管理行业专业英语培训教材。  囿于时间和水平,本书肯定存在许多不足之处。望各位同行指正。如有各种宝贵的意见、建议和要求,恳请直接告诉我们,以利修正。




Unit 1Text A Property ManagementText B The Contents of Property ManagementConversanonExercisesUnit 2Text A Business CategoriesText B TasksConversationExercisesUnit 3Text A Major Departments in a Property CompanyText B Performance PromiseConversationExercisesUnit 4Text A Property Management in A Housing EstateText B Bidding For The ServiceConversationExercisesUnit 5Text A Check and Taking Over of PropertyText B Inspection of the FacilitiesConversationExercisesUnit 6Text A Routine MaintenanceText B Work OrdersConversationExercisesUnit 7Text A Cleaning ServiceText B Special ServicesConversationExercisesUnit 8Text A Renting a HouseText BConversationExercisesUnit 9Text A Service MissionText B The Guiding Ideology of Property ManagementConversationExercisesUnit 10Text A Buying a HouseText B Are You Ready to Buy a HouseConversationExercisesUnit 11Text A SupermarketText B Different Types o{ ShopsConversationExercisesUnit 12Text A The Committee o{ Property ManagementText B Health and Recreation CentreConversationExercisesUnit 13 Practical WritingExercisesVocabulary


  Some famous property management companies have introduced new forms of servicesto their clients and residents, for example, to provide one-to-one private assistant. Whatdoes this brand-new service mean?  With the development of economy, more and more foreigners come to China anddecide to buy or rent houses here.They are very satisfied with the convenient surround-ings and satisfactory services offered by the property management company. But they stillhave some language problems of living here.  In order to settle the above problems, some property companies offer one-to-oneassistant to foreign residents.These all-round dual language characteristic services coverfar more than the simple communication between the owners and the property managementcompany. It also covers the high-standard services including fresh flower delivering,banquet holding,celebration preparing and translation services,etc.It settles alldifferent affairs in daily life of the owners.Moreover, well-trained professional personnelwill make you enjoy all-round, warm and polite service like that in five-star hotels.  The extremely cordial and customized one-to-one service mode realizes the mostsmooth communication and exchange between both parts, thus to help the owners gettwice the result with half the effort.With the introduction of the hotel services intomodern family life, "one-to-one private assistant" looks just as the private life secretaryof the owner.





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