建筑类专业英语 给水排水与环境保护 第二册

出版时间:1997-6  出版社:中国建筑工业出版社  作者:张苹  页数:186  


  《建筑类专业英语》每册16个单元,每个单元一篇正课文(TEXT),两篇副课文(Reading Material A&B),每个单元平均2000个词,三册48个单元,总共约有十万词,相当于原版书三百多页。要培养较强的阅读能力,读十万词的文献,是起码的要求。如果专业课教师在第六和第七学期,在学生通过学习本教材已经掌握了数百个专业科技词汇的基础上,配合专业课程的学习,再指定学生看一部分相应的专业英语科技文献,那将会既促进专业课的学习,又提高英语阅读能力,实为两得之举。   本教材为第二册“给水排水与环境保护”,不仅适用于在校学生,对于有志提高专业英语阅读能力的建筑行业广大在职工程技术人员,也是一套适用的自学教材。


UNIT ONEText Historical Development of Municipal Water Systems in the United StatesReading Material A Groundwater and Surface-water SuppliesReading Material B Water TransmissionUNIT TWOText Measurement of Water QualityReading Material A Biochemical Oxygen DemandReading Material B Bacteriological MeasurementsUNIT THREEText Water ProcessingReading Material A Methods for Removal of Wastes and OdoursReading Material B Magnetic Water TreatmentUNIT FOURText FiltrationReading Material A Rapid Gravity FiltrationReading Material B BackwashingUNIT FIVEText Collection of WastewaterReading Material A Storm Sewer SystemReading Material B Sanitary Sewer SystemUNIT SIXText Composition of WastewaterReading Material A Primary TreatmentReading Material B Secondary TreatmentUNIT SEVENText Biological Treatment SystemReading Material A Biological TowersReading Material B Biological AerationUNIT EIGHTText Characteristics of the SludgesReading Material A Sludge StabilizationReading Material B Sludge DewateringUNIT NINEText Pumps and Pumping StationsReading Material A Choice of PumpsReading Material B Pump Station BuildingsUNIT TENText Classification of Water PollutantsReading Material A Regulations Concerning Water PollutionReading Material B Sources of Water PollutionUNIT ELEVENText Potential Impact of Air Contaminants on Water QualityReading Material A The Need for Water Quality StudiesReading Material B Water Quality StandardsUNIT TWELVEText Hazardous WasteReading Material A Treatment of Hazardous WasteReading Material B Radioactive Waste ManagementUNIT THIRTEENText Air PollutionReading Material A Meteorological Effects and ChangesReading Material B Causes of Air PollutionUNIT FOURTEENText Health Effects of NoiseReading Material A Measurement and Control of NoiseReading Material B Noise ControlUNIT FIFTEENText Resource RecoveryReading Material A Disposal of Solid Waste-LandfillingReading Material B Solid WastesUNIT SIXTEENText Removal of Organic Vapour from Effluent GasesReading Material A Managing Climatic ChangeReading Material B Pollution Prevention or CureAppendix Ⅰ VocabularyAppendix Ⅱ Translation for ReferenceAppendix Ⅲ Key to Exercises



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